National Dance Team Championships?


Brand HBCUbian
Was scanning the tube looking for NFL/sports miscel and came across, "The National Dance Team Championship". This is them cheerleading squads that do the dance/cheer routines to music? :rolleyes:

First of all, it forever amazes me how society can take what Negroes have been doing naturally FOREVER,,, and put this commercial, regemented spin on it! :rolleyes: This just absolutely kills me!:p Deez mugz be eatin' "our music" and some social aspects of the way we "party" up!

Look,, if deez mugz want to see some kind of "national dance team championship",,,,,,,, JUST COME TO A FREAKING HALFTIME SHOW PERFORMANCE OF AN HBCU BAND! ;) I MEAN,, JUST COME TO DAD-BLAME AA FRAT/SOR STATE WIDE OR REGIONAL STEP SHOW!!;)

,, but props to these mugz for slowly but surely exposing AA "pop culture" to the rest of the world and pushing it further into the mainstream, albeit in their regement, mechanical, strickly organized and planned and graded format. :rolleyes: I mean,, these people kill me! They can "STANDARDIZE", "QUANTIFY" and "GRADE" everything under the flippin' sun!!:rolleyes: What's up with that?!
I saw one routine this afternoon and the team contained nothing but white girls.

YES! My point exactly!

All these squads dancing to some of the most popular AA pop culture rap/dance music (albeit the clean/instrumental versions)! Then, I'm sitting here listening to the commentators running smack like, "that is off the hook!" and "that is the bomb!(they haven't said "yo" on the end of that yet,,)" or ",, you go girl!",,,, and i'm like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HUH?!:confused: It's really amusing, but it's all good.
big money in that, those choreographers get paid. You won't see us in there because it costs too much

kind of like the movie Bring it On

(I haven't figured this quoting tool out yet but,,)

"You won't see us in there because it costs too much"

That is too funny!:D :p
It's a huge money-making enterprise. When I was in high school, our dance team made it regionally, but missed the nationals. Practicing for that stuff is a literally a full-time job, on the high school and college levels. These girls spend half their lives trying to make it to the National Championships.

It kills me though when you see those little white girls cheer/dancing off DMX or Jay-Z. I wonder who hooked them up with the remix tapes? Back in the day, the parents of some of the girls I danced with didn't want us dancing off "that kind of music"!! GO FIGURE! It was north Louisiana, afterall. :(
But, our teacher didn't care. She let the sista's pick the music.