Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies at 87

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I was just thinking the same thing, Cee. Jill suckered folks into voting for the Green Party...she got her money and ran. The Bernie Bros did not vote...now it is about to get real. The same fellow who would not bring Obama's nominee up for a vote did not even let RBG's body get cold before he begins his crap.
Well Mitch McConnell said Trump nominee will be brought up for a vote. You folks who refused to vote will find out what life is like without the programs who helped you live in the false word you're in now.

Trump has flooded the lower federal courts with conservative judges. He is coming very close to committing irreparable damage. That class of people that didn't exercise their right to vote are accessories to this crime and lacking in deductive reasoning. Personally, I don't care for Hillary Clinton. However, I knew she was the lesser of two evils and voted for her. This death is further wrath due to unconscionable ignorance.
I believe that Republican senators Collins, Mykowsky, and Romney, along with at least one other Republican senator, will defect and vote with Dems to deny the Senate vote on the floor. I think those 4 or 5 Republican senators will stand on their moral principles and do the right thing. I also think we will see the filibuster taken to a new level on the floor of the Senate.
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Them Bernie Bros like Killer Mike are not being affected one way or the other. You people need to wake up.

I don't care for the Bernie Bros.

I am more upset at the black folks like Kaep and Naseed who didn't vote because Hilary and Trump were not qualified in their eyes.
The butt hurt crybabies over the Clinton Crime bill-who didn't vote.
The folks who were more concerned about how many sistas could get put into office versus making sure the right person got into office.
The folks who kept the same sorry folks in office because they were a certain skin tone.

Lets go talk to them and ask them how they feel now. How many times did folks yell at them to vote in every election not just one every 4 years.
The worst states in education, health care, Covid-19 and crime are Republican run states.

Lets see you try to enjoy life without certain programs.
I don't care for the Bernie Bros.

I am more upset at the black folks like Kaep and Naseed who didn't vote because Hilary and Trump were not qualified in their eyes.
The butt hurt crybabies over the Clinton Crime bill-who didn't vote.
The folks who were more concerned about how many sistas could get put into office versus making sure the right person got into office.
The folks who kept the same sorry folks in office because they were a certain skin tone.

Lets go talk to them and ask them how they feel now. How many times did folks yell at them to vote in every election not just one every 4 years.
The worst states in education, health care, Covid-19 and crime are Republican run states.

Lets see you try to enjoy life without certain programs.
Forget the programs. The rights you think you have that were ironclad. I keep telling people all it takes is a stroke of the pen. Remember the voting rights act? Remember fair housing? Remember equal wages? Remember emancipation?
It is what it is. Factoring in her age and health, She should've stepped down back in 2014 when Obama wanted her to. She was stubborn and now we are in this mess.

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It is what it is. Factoring in her age and health, She should've stepped down back in 2014 when Obama wanted her to. She was stubborn and now we are in this mess.
There was no guarantee Moscow mitch would not have pulled some shenanigans if she had stepped down. IJS
There was no guarantee Moscow mitch would not have pulled some shenanigans if she had stepped down. IJS

It doesnt matter. Control what you can when you can. Use that stonewalling as an advantage politically. McConnell still would've been senate majority leader had Hillary won. RBG was over 80 and sickly. The odds were not in her favor.
I believe that Republican senators Collins, Mykowsky, and Romney, along with at least one other Republican senator, will defect and vote with Dems to deny the Senate vote on the floor. I think those 4 or 5 Republican senators will stand on their moral principles and do the right thing. I also think we will see the filibuster taken to a new level on the floor of the Senate.

The key is getting that 4th. Lindsay Graham of all people could be the one. They're showing 2 videos from 2016 or there about of him saying it's wrong to allow a nomination this close and that he knew someone would pull out the video in the future. I'm not counting on him to stand by his word but with him being in a tight race with Harrison he might have to. As for McConnell, I don't know how that dude can look in the mirror, no conscience whatsoever
The key is getting that 4th. Lindsay Graham of all people could be the one. They're showing 2 videos from 2016 or there about of him saying it's wrong to allow a nomination this close and that he knew someone would pull out the video in the future. I'm not counting on him to stand by his word but with him being in a tight race with Harrison he might have to. As for McConnell, I don't know how that dude can look in the mirror, no conscience whatsoever

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/1307382090703474690
Black people wake up. White Americans don't play by rules. The game is to screw your black arse. Stop being naive. It's over. The no vote or hold your vote has fuked the black community and their own offsprings for generations to come. Trump asked what do you have to lose? Well you will find out now.
Black people wake up. White Americans don't play by rules. The game is to screw your black arse. Stop being naive. It's over. The no vote or hold your vote has fuked the black community and their own offsprings for generations to come. Trump asked what do you have to lose? Well you will find out now.

Funny & Sad.....but true. What gets me is "ole boys" will throw out a crumb every now and then and some of our people get confused....smh
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death Means for America

The Supreme Court vacancy will surely inflame an already-angry nation.
Russell Berman September 18, 2020

A furious battle over a Supreme Court vacancy is arguably the last thing the United States needs right now.
The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today represents a devastating loss for feminists who held up the 87-year-old as an icon of women’s rights, and as a bulwark protecting abortion rights and a wide range of other progressive ideals on a conservative Supreme Court. The Brooklyn-born jurist became one of the nation’s foremost advocates against gender discrimination as a lawyer for the ACLU, decades before President Bill Clinton appointed her to be the second woman to sit on the high court.

But her passing less than two months before the presidential election also tosses one more lit match into the tinderbox of national politics in 2020: It will surely inflame a deeply polarized country already riven by a deadly pandemic, a steep economic downturn, and civil unrest in its major cities.
In Washington, the vacancy fight could ratchet up tensions to a level unseen even in the tumultuous Trump era. President Donald Trump will be eager to fill Ginsburg’s seat immediately, seizing an opportunity to rally his base before the election and to cement his legacy in the event that he is defeated in November. He could also become the first president since Richard Nixon to install three justices on the high court in a single four-year term. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already indicated that he’s ready for another confirmation battle, either before or immediately after the election. Republicans might be hard-pressed to consider and approve a Trump nominee in the eight weeks before November, but even a victory by Vice President Joe Biden and a Democratic takeover of the Senate might not prevent Trump from successfully appointing another justice. Republicans would still control both the White House and the Senate until a new Congress takes office in early January.

Ginsburg made her own desire clear in the days before her death, NPR’s Nina Totenberg reported today. She dictated a statement to her granddaughter that read: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

Whether that final wish will be granted is unclear. McConnell has insisted that the precedent he created in denying former President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland in the final year of Obama’s term—to fill a vacancy that occurred nearly nine months before the 2016 election—no longer applies, because the same party controls both the White House and the Senate majority. “Oh, we’d fill it,” the Kentucky Republican promised in May 2019, more than a year before Ginsburg announced the cancer recurrence that would take her life. He reiterated that position in the hours after Ginsburg’s death was announced, saying American voters had given Republicans a mandate to fill judicial vacancies by expanding the party’s Senate majority in 2018. “We will keep our promise,” McConnell said in a statement. “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” Never mind that the rationale McConnell gave in 2016—that voters should have the chance to weigh in on their next Supreme Court justice—would seem to apply even more strongly during an election in which the first ballots have already been cast.