JSU and USC Engineering Students Collaborate


Hail, Hail To Thee...


This semester, electrical engineering senior students from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and electrical engineering senior students from Jackson State University, a Historically Black College and University in Mississippi, shared a classroom.

While other capstone courses at USC Viterbi had previously involved students at different schools at USC (such as a course with students from the Marshall School of Business and the Roski School of Art and Design), this is the first capstone course that leveraged the iPodia program for inter-university collaboration with a university across the United States. It was also the first time USC Viterbi has partnered with an HBCU for a joint project using this format.

The students in the two universities in different parts of the country developed prototypes for navigation and search systems for people to locate others in their party when wilderness areas lack cellular or wireless service. For the challenge, students were required to take into account various factors such as how a user would be able to operate the device in a wide variety of environmental conditions. The final presentations included JSU students and their instructor, Professor Kamal S. Ali of JSU’s Computer Engineering Department, along with USC students and their instructor, Dr. Allan Weber of the USC Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering.
