Is the market crash on its way?


Well-Known Member
Seems like dumb Donald bad policies have finally come into play. Do you think it will make another run or is it time to pull back?
Seems like dumb Donald bad policies have finally come into play. Do you think it will make another run or is it time to pull back?
I dont know. Being a business owner, one of the things I am noticing is how cheap money is right now and that scares me.

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In what way? Like buying power or something?
Basically banks are giving away business loans. When people dont have to stress about getting more money, they make bad decisions. I feel like we are seeing a lot of weak businesses being propped up right now.
Basically banks are giving away business loans. When people dont have to stress about getting more money, they make bad decisions. I feel like we are seeing a lot of weak businesses being propped up right now.
I agree. I figured that's what you were saying. I don't believe anything being put out for economic stats since 45 is in office
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Basic economics (which most Americans don’t understand) the debt is rising at a larger rate than expected, interest rates will rise. The feds are worried about inflation, interest rates will rise. Normal economic policy dictates, that when things are going well, you pay down your debt from the bad times, but republicans have convinced Americans that the tax cuts will pay for themselves, they never have and never will.

Bad economic policy.

People will move money out of the market as interest rates rise for safety.
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