Howard University & HBCUs in General


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Kamala Harris' elevation to the Vice Presidency has brought quite a bit of media attention to her alma mater, Howard University, over the past year. Every HU grad, and I don't blame them, seems to be cashing in on the exposure by wearing their HU garb with great pride. In addition to the VP, I know that Thurgood Marshall, Stokeley Carmichel, and Chadwick Boseman are HU grads along with a host of other distinguished persons The George Floyd murder last spring and subsequent murders of Black people at the hands of police sparked intense nationwide protest that started a movement of Black students and Black athletes back to Black universities. How much has this huge media focus on HBCUs helped? Are HBCUs continuing to reap the benefits? Are Black athletes continuing to make a beeline to HBCUs? What can HBCUs do, if anything, to ensure that this media exposure continue? I don't know much about Howard U, and though I have visited DC on more than one occasion, I have never visited the HU campus.
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I have been to Howard it's really nothing to right home about. But let's be clear Howard U, since the founding of the school was aided by the Freedmen's Bureau. HU also receives tens of millions from Congress every year for just being in DC.

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No one can deny Howard's history and output, but the HU credential just doesn't mean as much here in Texas as it does on the east coast. Personally, I've never had the desire to attend Howard, Morehouse etc. I've visited several times but neither of those campuses have ever been up to my standards. At the end of the day, all HBCUs bring something to the table and in this day and age, there's nothing stopping each from telling their own stories. Stop waiting for local media to define who you are and be more proactive. Some alumni spend more energy whining about how they are being covered and not enough pressing their universities to do something as simple as keeping the website updated. The internet makes marketing easier. HBCU's in general fail at the PR game. Don't start me on some of these sorry ass SID offices when it comes to athletics.
No one can deny Howard's history and output, but the HU credential just doesn't mean as much here in Texas as it does on the east coast. Personally, I've never had the desire to attend Howard, Morehouse etc. I've visited several times but neither of those campuses have ever been up to my standards. At the end of the day, all HBCUs bring something to the table and in this day and age, there's nothing stopping each from telling their own stories. Stop waiting for local media to define who you are and be more proactive. Some alumni spend more energy whining about how they are being covered and not enough pressing their universities to do something as simple as keeping the website updated. The internet makes marketing easier. HBCU's in general fail at the PR game. Don't start me on some of these sorry ass SID offices when it comes to athletics.
You spoke a LOT of good words there.
Being here in DC. I can't even hate on Howard. True or not, they have built this perception about their school as being the black mecca. I think the school has plenty of issues but they have sold this image to the public. You got to respect that.
That is what the ivy league has done. Ivy league schools have never impressed me, but they have sold the image so long the world automatically believes they're the best.
That is what the ivy league has done. Ivy league schools have never impressed me, but they have sold the image so long the world automatically believes they're the best.

Howard has become the hbcu of choice for the suburban upper middle class black kid who has HBCU and PWC options. Been like that quite some time so it’s more reputation than anything so it looks and sounds good to the bourgeois black.

But in reality it’s being located in DC and around the movers and shakers is the real reason. Put Howard in any other city whole different rep. Bland facilities, small campus, little fan support, etc.