How To Stop People From Bugging You About Getting Married

Seeing Spots

Joyful Woman!
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

(Not my original, but funny as "L") :lol:

Does anyone have some advice on how to stop people from bugging you about having kids? It seems to once you do get married, the next thing out of everyone's mouth is "When are you two going to have a child?"(Instinct tells me to say "That's none of your damn business", but I know that wouldn't go over too well).
Originally posted by BILBREW
Does anyone have some advice on how to stop people from bugging you about having kids? It seems to once you do get married, the next thing out of everyone's mouth is "When are you two going to have a child?"(Instinct tells me to say "That's none of your damn business", but I know that wouldn't go over too well).
When we get ready, we'll let you know
Keep your meat out of my potatoes (they usually look dumbfounded at this one)
When your grandkids have kids
When your great grandkids have kids
When you decide you would like to finance their college education
When you decide you would like to finance their births
When your dog starts speaking english
When your cat starts speaking spanish
None of your damn business (who cares if it goes over well or not)
Choose one. Practice gentle sarcasm in answering. Use on next uninformed person who asks question.
Originally posted by Seeing Spots
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

(Not my original, but funny as "L") :lol:

That's my girl. (This week. She said Suge was out of town.)
The Best way to stop these questions, is to give in. Get Married & Have Children

Originally posted by BILBREW
Does anyone have some advice on how to stop people from bugging you about having kids? It seems to once you do get married, the next thing out of everyone's mouth is "When are you two going to have a child?"(Instinct tells me to say "That's none of your damn business", but I know that wouldn't go over too well).

We, wife and I, had the same problem until we went out and had our child. Now the question is when are you going to have the next one? WHAT???!!!??? We just had this one. :dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:

What we tell them:
Is when you have your first. - If they dont have any kids.
It's your turn. - If they have children.

This usally works. :nod::nod2::nod::nod2::nod::nod2::nod::nod2::nod::nod2::nod::nod2:
Had the marriage and children questions just this weekend.
In reference to marriage:
I said, "by the time I get married God will have made a whole new kind of Adam in His image."

In reference to children:
I said, "by the time I have one there will be a whole new way of conception and delivery."

That's so far away.
In "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" fashion

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I don't get it.
I remember getting the questions about marriage. After I jumped the broom, the children question began immediately. Almost on our wedding night. I think it is just the nature of getting older. People want to see good people produce more good people.

Now that I've been married for 6 yrs and 2 of my own crumb snatchers, I get to ask the questions. :)

Originally posted by BILBREW
Does anyone have some advice on how to stop people from bugging you about having kids? It seems to once you do get married, the next thing out of everyone's mouth is "When are you two going to have a child?"(Instinct tells me to say "That's none of your damn business", but I know that wouldn't go over too well).


Just ask them if they are gonna help finance the kid.
Well, we didn't get the children question.

Got married on the 11th ... found out I was pregnant two weeks later ...