Hmm..TSU and PV draws 6,000 LESS than the #4 team in the nation

the band fan

Baseball Fan
UH amd Miami only drew 36,000...a horrible crowd for a commuter school with 40,000 students playing the #4 team in America. It ain't the black folks in Houston staying at home also.

Unless UH was paid to move the game, I would've played them at Robertson...on 8,000 more fans watched the game at Reliant.

amazing, TSU and PV would even be in the ballpark with that crowd..the end zones looked empty on TV
You know as well as I do that U of Miami fans do not travel. Actually they do not even fill up the Orange Bowl. Their season books are cheap compared to the other big boys because they try to generate interest in their program with the average fan in Miami. Then you have Uof H. They have no fan base either. If UT had played Miami in Reliant, it would have been packed. It aint because the white folks had plenty to do in Houston. It was because the average fan was not interested in watching U of H vs Miami. Houston has not had a following since the Bill Yeoman days in the old SWC. Even Andre Ware and that U of H team in the late 80's could not sell out the Astrodome. So I am not shocked they had a low turnout. Especially knowing that U of H would get beat down anyway. Joe Blow Houston fan aint that enamored with Miami enough to pay to see that. But like I said let UT and Miami play in Reliant. You wouldn't be able to find a ticket.

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You know a lot of those was freebie tickets. I don't know how many times I listened to 610Sports and they were giving away a 4 pack of tickets. Seems like they were doing it since Rice and UH played. Also we had better attendance than the UH/Rice game played in Reliant on the same Labor Day weekend.
but JR...this is Miami, #4 team in the nation and only 36K show up? And UH says their ready for big-time football, please.................

your best draws in Houston are PV-TSU, TSU-SU, PV-SU and it's a toss-up after that

Bruh, you ain't never lying. They were giving tickets away to this game like crazy.

A guy here at work game me 2 of the $40.00 tickets for free and he got them from U of H's Atheletic dept. This was $80.00 worth of tickets for free. Another guy I know bought 2 of the $40.00 for the price of 1.

After watching the Miami/FSU game and the Miami/UoH game, there is no way Miami can win the National Championship because their offense is terrible this season. I would say the Oklahoma, USC, Texas and Georgia's offense are all definetly more potent than Miami's.
TruBluJAG said:

Bruh, you ain't never lying. They were giving tickets away to this game like crazy.

A guy here at work game me 2 of the $40.00 tickets for free and he got them from U of H's Atheletic dept. This was $80.00 worth of tickets for free. Another guy I know bought 2 of the $40.00 for the price of 1.

After watching the Miami/FSU game and the Miami/UoH game, there is no way Miami can win the National Championship because their offense is terrible this season. I would say the Oklahoma, USC, Texas and Georgia's offense are all definetly more potent than Miami's.

I was at the game last night and it was about the same amount of people for the SU/PV game.(Honestly, it looked like more people showed up for the SU/PV game) We only got credit for 20k.

Miami looked horrible last night.
HBCUs said:
Any Houston-area Swacpagers attended the game? Just curious.
Me, too. If I were a Hurricane fan, I woulda bought one of them cheap Southwest tickets and went to the game myself. If I lived in Houston, I definitely would have been in that joint.
Well I don't know what attendance some were expecting because 36K for any UH game is GREAT

They barely average 20K every year and a couple of years ago they struggled to average 15K fans,

Like JR says, Miami fans are not about to travel to a nationally televised game against a UH team with talent that is barely above a Top I-AA squad.
I was at the game last night and I too was shocked with the 36K attendence.

I knew UH could not give the appearance of a low turnout on a Thursday night ESPN game so anyone with a Texas High School coaches pass could enter the game free of charge (that line was at least 2,000 long when we first arrived).