Hey PVU and Alcornites!!!! Purple and Gold Pact-year 2


Well-Known Member
Now last year was it was just a joke. Nobody <b>actually thought</b> that the infamous Purple and Gold Pact would come to fruition. However, thanks to the "Dummy," what was a joke became a reality.
Now that the 2001 football season is upon us, let's get this out of the way right now:

<b>Will there be another Purple and Gold Pact this year?</b> In the initial pact both sides had something to gain. PVU would get their first conference win and the "Dummy" would be fired from Alcorn. But, only PVU actually gained from the experience.

I'm not sure if the Alcornites are willing to go through this again if it's clear that a loss to PVU will not get the "dummy" fired.
If you are in favor of this for year 2, <b>sign in blood!!! There is no backing out once you sign!!</b>

What do both sides have to gain if we do this again?
Oh Hell No, as long as Clintina is the President, Johnnie Mae will remain the Coach even if he loses every game again.

I'm Serious!!!
