GSU: Game 6


Well-Known Member
I decided to post about our upcoming game. I have decided to call this Game 6. It occurred to me that some people would have you to believe that this is a big game. Well that depends upon your point of view. You see to me, Game 6 is really just a sideshow to what this weekend is really about.

This will be just my second live game this year. Since the game is only about 2.5hrs or so from here, I decided to ride over an meant the fine folk I've "met" on TSPN. Since Game 6 will have many of the most prominent smackers in attendance, I felt it would be good to ride over and visit. Of course it's always good to see my GMEN continue it's winning ways...something we're accustomed too --part of being an ICON--.

I just hope yall don't disappoint the crowd. When one team has proven it's offense can score 60, and the opponent has provenit's defense can give up 60 points.
Please God, Let the weather be good, let the wind not blow too hard. Let everything be as perfect as possible so that there will be no excuses
*just kickin back, listening to what all the g-men have to say. yawning.*

mmm mmm mmm

yea Gram is gonna do this, Gram is gonna do that.
that's all good.

question is....will i be able to find you after Sat.

i was here chump. im here now and ill be here sat. night. lol

and gram will forever be................



