Game Of Thrones Season 7

Essentially Jon is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. Given the clue that Rhaegar married Jon's mother and divorced his first wife, it can be concluded that a few people in Westeros already know about this deal (Littlefinger, Varys, etc.).

Rhegar is Danny's brother, which makes Jon her nephew. And yes, there is definitely some sexual tension between the two. Even moreso, now that Dany realizes that Jon has some Targaryean in him, which was revealed when Drogon allowed him to touch/pet him. She was definitely paying attention. She isn't going to say anything now, but it's on her mind.

episode is already online.

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I've been waiting for you!:) Need someone to talk to about GoT!

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Essentially Jon is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. Given the clue that Rhaegar married Jon's mother and divorced his first wife, it can be concluded that a few people in Westeros already know about this deal (Littlefinger, Varys, etc.).

Rhegar is Danny's brother, which makes Jon her nephew. And yes, there is definitely some sexual tension between the two. Even moreso, now that Dany realizes that Jon has some Targaryean in him, which was revealed when Drogon allowed him to touch/pet him. She was definitely paying attention. She isn't going to say anything now, but it's on her mind.

Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. Yes, Rhaegar left Elia Martell for Lyanna Stark, but I just think it's because he was in love with her. I honestly don't think he raped Lyanna. She was with him for some years, and once I heard George R. R. Martin strongly "suggest" that the two may have fallen in love over that period of time. I believe he (Rhaegar) took her to the Tower of Joy to protect her, as Robert's Rebellion was underway. I believe that Robert Baratheon's hatred for anything Targaryen was so strong that he had an image in his mind that Rhaegar forced himself on her.
Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. Yes, Rhaegar left Elia Martell for Lyanna Stark, but I just think it's because he was in love with her. I honestly don't think he raped Lyanna. She was with him for some years, and once I heard George R. R. Martin strongly "suggest" that the two may have fallen in love over that period of time. I believe he (Rhaegar) took her to the Tower of Joy to protect her, as Robert's Rebellion was underway. I believe that Robert Baratheon's hatred for anything Targaryen was so strong that he had an image in his mind that Rhaegar forced himself on her.

It's obvious they were lovers. Seems like some people already know this--Littlefinger to be exact! Rhaegar's guards knew this too. Wonder if they told any of their family
Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. Yes, Rhaegar left Elia Martell for Lyanna Stark, but I just think it's because he was in love with her. I honestly don't think he raped Lyanna. She was with him for some years, and once I heard George R. R. Martin strongly "suggest" that the two may have fallen in love over that period of time. I believe he (Rhaegar) took her to the Tower of Joy to protect her, as Robert's Rebellion was underway. I believe that Robert Baratheon's hatred for anything Targaryen was so strong that he had an image in his mind that Rhaegar forced himself on her.
Yup....that is for sure and he was going to have Jon killed if he knew that was Lyanna's baby.
I refuse to watch it and I'm trying my best to stay away from spoiler sites. They need to black out HBO Europe for the season finale.

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Cersei is definitely gonna screw everyone over. Jacquen is going to come back and let Arya know the Faceless Man/God needs her to cross someone off her list! LOL. That someone I bet is gonna be Cersei.

Bran is going to warg into a dragon soon. Jon and Dany will get it on and Dany will get pregnant. Dany is not able to have children now because of the dragons. Her curse will be one that prevents her from having physical children until one of her dragons dies. When one dragon dies, she will be able to have 1 child and so forth. Dany and Jon will have a kid. Bound to happen!
Attack - where are you?

I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spoilers link about last night:

Lol, there's so much! The exchange between Tormund and the Hound was an INSTANT classic! I fear Sam may pull a Wally when he finds out what happened to his brother!
I wonder what will the Tully ' s do? I wonder if Sam left the manuscript about Jon's parents?
I think they're going to team up against the night king and Arya will become Cersi (after after all she was top three her list).
Side note: I really can see the Golden Company attacking Winter fell and Dragon stone while everyone is in King's Landing, leaving Dany and Jon trapped. Remember Cersi said she wanted the entire continent back!

I clapped when arya cut a smile in littlefinger's neck. I love arya so much.

The white walkers are some bad mofos lol. They didn't even need a dragon tbh. Season 8 will be out of this world. I really just want arya and dany to survive. Everyone else can die.
Did a baby get made tonight?

I love all of the different angles to this show! Being around the Starks and Briann has rubbed off on Jamie!