Game Of Thrones - (Season 3)



Rise up Northerners, Rise! Winter is Coming!
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Holy Crap!!!! I didn't see that coming.

Do you remember when Robb needed to get his banner men across Walder Frey's land? Catelyn warned him (before he pledged to marry Walder's daughter) that Walder Frey could not be trusted. She's been trying to warn Robb ever since he broke his vow.

But they didn't have to kill Grey Wind!:(
They followed the book.

Pretty much; in the book, Catelyn Stark killed one of Walder Frey's sons in the hope he'd spare Robb. Unfortunately for her, it was his mentally retarded grandson, so Walder Frey didn't count it as a loss.

Is there a book after this one?

Book 4 is A Feast for Crows. Book 6 (The Winds of Winter) is supposed to be out this summer.
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Do you remember when Robb needed to get his banner men across Walder Frey's land? Catelyn warned him (before he pledged to marry Walder's daughter) that Walder Frey could not be trusted. She's been trying to warn Robb ever since he broke his vow.

But they didn't have to kill Grey Wind!:(

I knew something bad was going to happen, but not on that level.
I just watched it. WTF just happened????!!!!! HBO has a gold mine in this series. That old dirty bast**d pulled a good one.
Man, I don't know where to start with this episode. I knew something bad was going to happen. Just didn't know what. Walder Frey was just too damn accommodating in the beginning. I just knew something was going to happen. There was also the subtle hint that the Hound made to Arya about being so close to her family but thinking she wouldn't get to see her.

BTW - Is it safe to assume that the Lannisters were somehow involved in that ambush? One of the things said to Robb before he was killed was "The Lannisters send their regards".

96, I remember what you said about the oath Jon Snow made to the Night's Watch. It turns out that he played them folks to a tee.

Oh and uh...strike up another win for that damn Daenerys Targaryen. Damn!!!

One more episode left. And then I will have to wait an entire year to see another episode. It may be time fro me to read the books. :lol:
I didn't like the way Rob and Lady Stark went out. The cripple Stark, Jon Snow, and Ara will continue the fight against the Lannisters. Hopefully, they will get their revenge next season.
Man, I don't know where to start with this episode. I knew something bad was going to happen. Just didn't know what. Walder Frey was just too damn accommodating in the beginning. I just knew something was going to happen. There was also the subtle hint that the Hound made to Arya about being so close to her family but thinking she wouldn't get to see her.

BTW - Is it safe to assume that the Lannisters were somehow involved in that ambush? One of the things said to Robb before he was killed was "The Lannisters send their regards".

96, I remember what you said about the oath Jon Snow made to the Night's Watch. It turns out that he played them folks to a tee.

Oh and uh...strike up another win for that damn Daenerys Targaryen. Damn!!!

One more episode left. And then I will have to wait an entire year to see another episode. It may be time fro me to read the books. :lol:

Hey Soggy!:wavey:

Walder Frey really wasn't that accomodating, but more sarcastic and cynical; and remember when Robb needed to get across his lands and waters to get to the Lannisters? Well, he (Robb) sent Catelyn to negotiate. Even then, Walder Frey wanted Robb to not only take one of his daughters (because he knew Robb was heir to Winterfell and King of the North), but he also wanted one of his grandsons to be a squire to Robb and wanted one of his sons (or grandsons) to marry Arya, which is why Catelyn pledged Robb and Arya to him. Catelyn didn't really want to negotiate with Frey, but because of what had happened to Ned, she wanted revenge on the Lannisters. As a Tully, Catelyn knew of Walder Frey from dealings with her father, and she knew Walder Frey was no good.

I won't spoil anything, but I will say this: If, and I do mean IF, Walder Frey has pledged loyalty and support to the Lannisters, he made a deal with the devil. The Lannister motto is "A Lannister always pays his debts"; they are NEVER indebted to ANYONE, even those who do give them support. Frey might think he was doing the Lannisters' a favor......but he killed Ned Stark's oldest son and heir to Winterfell; they killed the King of the North and his unborn child.

As for Jon Snow, yes, he kept his oath (except for sleeping with Ygritte), but remember, when Ygritte was captured, Jon was ordered to kill her but he refused.

And Soggy, if you really are into Game of Thrones and don't want to miss out, read the books! HBO has done such a good job at staying aligned with the books, I bet you could pickup the Red Wedding scene in Book 3 and not miss a beat! I started reading the books during the first season and I'm halfway through book 4 (A Feast for Crows). After I read what happened at the Red Wedding, I almost stopped! I was so mad; first Eddard Stark, then Khal Drogo died, then all this crap with Sansa being Cersei's hostage, Arya on the run, Bran and Rickon being separated, and now Robb Stark is dead! But the storyline is just too good and as I kept reading, book 3 ended with surprise that I had to start on book 4! I hope HBO shows what they did to Robb Stark and his wolf (Grey Wind) after they slaughtered them; that had me so :upset:

Since it's only 1 episode left, HBO will have to cover the remainder of book 3 in the season next spring. Believe it or not, as much drama that we've seen, this season only touched on about half of book 3!
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So many emotions after watching. All Rob wanted was his sisters back and revenge for his father's death. The king of the North was placed on him.

I bet Arya is going to be hell on wheels!!! If by some stroke of luck she teams up with Daenerys! :eek::eek::eek:
Well, I took a moment to watch and read a couple of interviews posted with the author of the series of books (George R. R. Martin). To my surprise he is an American author. I was expecting a writer from the UK. Anyway, he made it clear that the last thing he wants to do in his books is to be predictable. He had no problem with Ed Stark being killed in the first season despite how well like he was by those who followed the storyline. Based on what we saw last week. He is holding true to his word.
I accidentally came across some information (from the book) regarding some of the characters on the show and future episodes. And all I can say is


I'm kinda pissed because I now know how the season is going to end, but on the other hand....DAYUM!!!!!!! :lol:
I accidentally came across some information (from the book) regarding some of the characters on the show and future episodes. And all I can say is


I'm kinda pissed because I now know how the season is going to end, but on the other hand....DAYUM!!!!!!! :lol:

On the internet? Share the link....
I accidentally came across some information (from the book) regarding some of the characters on the show and future episodes. And all I can say is


I'm kinda pissed because I now know how the season is going to end, but on the other hand....DAYUM!!!!!!! :lol:

Glad to see you're getting info from reading the books!:) They:swink: are very, very good! I started reading the books during the first season of Game of Thrones. As I kept reading, the books got really deep, which made it better because I could put faces with characters. And of course the series is deeper to me because I am reading the books. HBO has done so well at keeping the show in sync with the books, anyone can pick up A Storm of Words (book 3), start reading from the Red Wedding scene, and not miss a beat!

And Soggy, you spoiled it for Olde Hornet!:) but I'm kinda glad you know how season 3 ends because I admit I've been dying to tell you about 2 characters in particular!:swink: George R. R. Martin may not want his books/character plots to be predictable, but he subtlety drops hints as to the roles they have in the story and how they affect point of view characters. I won't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read the books, but I will say that if you thought the Red Wedding scene was the ain't seen nuthin' yet because what's yet to come is truly jaw-dropping!

Oh, and Soggy, I don't know if you're reading, but if you are (and anyone else), I was surprised to learn the true characters behind the murder of Jon Arryn; he was the Hand of the King to Robert Barratheon, and mentor to Eddard Starks & Robert Barratheon (the beginning of Season 1).:swink:

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Glad to see you're getting info from reading the books!:) They:swink: are very, very good! I started reading the books during the first season of Game of Thrones. As I kept reading, the books got really deep, which made it better because I could put faces with characters. And of course the series is deeper to me because I am reading the books. HBO has done so well at keeping the show in sync with the books, anyone can pick up A Storm of Words (book 3), start reading from the Red Wedding scene, and not miss a beat!

And Soggy, you spoiled it for Olde Hornet!:) but I'm kinda glad you know how season 3 ends because I admit I've been dying to tell you about 2 characters in particular!:swink: George R. R. Martin may not want his books/character plots to be predictable, but he subtlety drops hints as to the roles they have in the story and how they affect point of view characters. I won't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read the books, but I will say that if you thought the Red Wedding scene was the ain't seen nuthin' yet because what's yet to come is truly jaw-dropping!

Oh, and Soggy, I don't know if you're reading, but if you are (and anyone else), I was surprised to learn the true characters behind the murder of Jon Arryn; he was the Hand of the King to Robert Barratheon, and mentor to Eddard Starks & Robert Barratheon (the beginning of Season 1).:swink:


I have not started reading.