For all you financial gurus and thinkers

Mark Cuban knew the risk of quiting his first corporate job after two weeks shortly after graduating from Indiana University was he could be unemployed and broke, yet the REWARD of starting his own company (, which later was sold for more than one billion dollars to would be financial security for life.

you mean that job wouldn't have also made him rich?

So why do we educate people towards finding a job if

job doesn't equal wealth??

What type of investments??

And without the investments would they have become wealthy????
Without investments, wealth would have been much lower. Stocks & options, mostly. Plus, contribute the max to 401K. This was not instant, though. Took roughly 10 years to become wealthy, but STILL living below means. NET WORTH is high, though....
Have You ever seen a successful drug dealer?

I mean someone who was on the street, and
Started selling drugs and in less than a year.
Had money to burn????

I know a few that have become succesful business people
So it seems that the road to wealth is
Lined with stock options and having your own business.
Then what are all these degrees about?
How come our educational system is so full of theory, and not more
Practical information about having your own business and the stock market?
So it seems that the road to wealth is
Lined with stock options and having your own business.
Then what are all these degrees about?
How come our educational system is so full of theory, and not more
Practical information about having your own business and the stock market?
Don't forget about TIME.
Don't forget about TIME.

ok Bill Gates Dropped out of college.

Are we not becoming wealthy like Bill Gates because we spend too much time in college, and getting higher degrees, and working these "jobs" rather than growing our own personal business, and investing in the market?
So it seems that the road to wealth is
Lined with stock options and having your own business.
Then what are all these degrees about?
How come our educational system is so full of theory, and not more
Practical information about having your own business and the stock market?

You can't look to the EDUCATION SYSTEM to provide answer on how to become wealthy because the EDUCATORS are not wealthy themselves. Getting a degree is more of a tool to secure a position in the middle class. It is NOT a tool to secure a position in the upper class.

Surely you would not want to learn about having your own business from someone who does NOT own a business. Surely you would not want to learn about buying/selling stock from someone who does not OWN any stock.

That is why the educational system is full of theory, because the people who have experienced wealth are NOT EDUCATORS.
ok Bill Gates Dropped out of college.

Are we not becoming wealthy like Bill Gates because we spend too much time in college, and getting higher degrees, and working these "jobs" rather than growing our own personal business, and investing in the market?

Bill Gates became wealthy because Apple didn't buy his idea to put their operating system on personal computers. Had they bought into his idea, he probably would not have quit Apple and started his own company.

Micheal Dell built PCs as a side hustle while a student at Texas. He knew what he was making as a hustle was more than what a job would ever pay him.

Master P got the best deal in rap history because he knew it was best to get a bigger % of the sales than to take a signing bonus, due to the fact he previously sold CDs out of his trunk.

Anybody can be rich if they want to. All you need is a higher level for risk and some luck.

But hey, we got people who are scared or ARMs. :smash:
Anybody can be rich if they want to. All you need is a higher level for risk and some luck.

But hey, we got people who are scared or ARMs. :smash:

yeah ARMs are dumb

& I don't believe becoming rich is based entirely on luck and risk.

I believe a Systematic Plan and Pursuit will get there also

just like we systematically pursue these degrees
HA! :lmao:

Exactly, now we're getting to it.

What is the Real Game
& Where do you learn Game????

The real game is RISK and you learn it by taking RISK. I do believe that EDUCATION is not where you learn to be risk, simply impossible. The most money I've ever made in life was when I owned my own company. The best investment I've ever made in life was when I owned RealEstate.

We talked about layoffs, downsizing on this board a few months ago and I said I think its best for some people. I have yet another example.

My buddy was laid off from Target Distribution Center. He was a $17/hr worker. He occasionally got 10 to 12 hour per week overtime.

He picked up a job with another guy who owns a small business during deliveries for BestBuy, furniture stores, etc. Now, this guy is going to buy his own delivery truck, obtain contracts and deliver products thru his own business. He is able to pay himself $1500 every two weeks, helpers $7/stop daily, buy a truck, and keep it gassed and maintained. Who knows where this could lead to, but he is on the road to wealth quicker thru his own business as opposed to working for Target.

The real game is RISK and you learn it by taking RISK. I do believe that EDUCATION is not where you learn to be risk, simply impossible. The most money I've ever made in life was when I owned my own company. The best investment I've ever made in life was when I owned RealEstate.

We talked about layoffs, downsizing on this board a few months ago and I said I think its best for some people. I have yet another example.

My buddy was laid off from Target Distribution Center. He was a $17/hr worker. He occasionally got 10 to 12 hour per week overtime.

He picked up a job with another guy who owns a small business during deliveries for BestBuy, furniture stores, etc. Now, this guy is going to buy his own delivery truck, obtain contracts and deliver products thru his own business. He is able to pay himself $1500 every two weeks, helpers $7/stop daily, buy a truck, and keep it gassed and maintained. Who knows where this could lead to, but he is on the road to wealth quicker thru his own business as opposed to working for Target.

So did all this go to school, get a good job originate from slavery?

Now how would one go about owning the hive.

First you gotta create customers... meaning find something you can provide that others will want. Then you gotta identify the worker bees to provide the service. Then you have to sell the service (product)... then HIRE those worker bees to provide it to your customers.
First you gotta create customers... meaning find something you can provide that others will want. Then you gotta identify the worker bees to provide the service. Then you have to sell the service (product)... then HIRE those worker bees to provide it to your customers.

Just like pimpin'!!!