FL School Shooting

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If he was any other race Trump would be blowing this up.

The number of fatalities may be higher than Columbine. It was reported the shooter got out of the school pretending to be a student trying to escape the shooting and was apprehended three or four miles away. I'd like to know how he got into the school given he wasn't supposed to be on campus. "Our thoughts and prayers are not enough" - - Barack Obama.
last name cruz...so who knows.

As a teacher and a parent I'm tired of this nonsense. I don't really do guns. I last went hunting about 20 years ago and that was the last time I fired or touched a firearm. In the history of this country they've have only really responded and instituted real gun control measures when the minority population got in on the action. This really makes me want to start gun clubs all over the country, walk down the street in all these open carry states and play on their racist hearts to get them to do something to preserve the lives of these children. They'd respond to 50 black men standing outside their malls and churches with firearms in total compliance with the law. All of a sudden they be all for changes in the law.
I bet if more black people started to go and purchase guns from stores and shows, the gun laws would change
No it wouldn’t. If anything, they’d want us to own guns to continue to slaughter ourselves. You see they ain’t talking about changing gun laws over black folks shooting each other.
No it wouldn’t. If anything, they’d want us to own guns to continue to slaughter ourselves. You see they ain’t talking about changing gun laws over black folks shooting each other.
I'm talking about black people who would buy them to defend/protect themselves.

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It appears like his social media was filled with all sorts of red flags. Several students were quoted saying that they knew he was off and was fascinated with guns. He apparently bought these high-powered weapons legally. I mean this is a country where people can buy high-powered weapons because of their "right to bear arms."
last name cruz...so who knows.

As a teacher and a parent I'm tired of this nonsense. I don't really do guns. I last went hunting about 20 years ago and that was the last time I fired or touched a firearm. In the history of this country they've have only really responded and instituted real gun control measures when the minority population got in on the action. This really makes me want to start gun clubs all over the country, walk down the street in all these open carry states and play on their racist hearts to get them to do something to preserve the lives of these children. They'd respond to 50 black men standing outside their malls and churches with firearms in total compliance with the law. All of a sudden they be all for changes in the law.
Let's see how the media plays this because all images show him being white
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. 98 percent of gun carrying folks are law-abiding citizens. Had some responsible person had a gun on campus, perhaps the death rate would've been much lower.
Criminals who want guns will always find a way to get them no matter what laws are put in place. This has been proven time and time again.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. 98 percent of gun carrying folks are law-abiding citizens. Had some responsible person had a gun on campus, perhaps the death rate would've been much lower.
Criminals who want guns will always find a way to get them no matter what laws are put in place. This has been proven time and time again.
Who would have been the one to engage the shooter, a teacher? Keep in mind the fire alarm was pulled, and in a school of 3000 students, many more victims would have been caught in the middle of a shootout in the hallway. Having more guns on campus isn't always the best answer. There are certain weapons that normal citizens just should not be allowed to purchase. My concern is the fact that many saw his social media postings (pictures with guns, posts about killing cops, posts about wanting to shoot people with his AR-15) and apparently knew he was a potential threat and nothing was done about it. It will be interesting to see his family life as well. Hard to imagine him being able to purchase this high-powered equipment and no one bat an eye.
People forget that you can buy these "high powered" weapons akin to the AR-15 at age 18 legally, but cannot purchase a handgun legally until age 21. How many school shootings have you seen carried out by someone 21 or over? How many school shootings have been carried out with handguns?