Drink This, Sleep 90 More Minutes A Night


Well-Known Member
Give your box of chamomile a rest. New research presented at the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting finds drinking tart cherry juice twice a day can help you sleep nearly 90 more minutes a night.

Researchers from Louisiana State University had seven older adults with insomnia drink eight ounces of Montmorency tart cherry juice twice a day for two weeks, followed by two weeks of no juice, and then two more weeks of drinking a placebo beverage. Compared to the placebo, drinking the cherry juice resulted in an average of 84 more minutes of sleep time each night.


It works.

Just make sure it's the tart cherry juice and not just regular cherry juice. You can normally find it in the organic section of your grocer.
Man this ain't new. Lol Dr. Oz had this on his show four years ago. I've been doing it since then. Lol
