Dominique Wilkins


Well-Known Member
Dominique was not elected to the hall of fame! Why? I can't believe anyone would vote against him being in. Even Drazen Petrovic is in the Hall!!! :shame:
That's crazy. What are they waiting on.

Shoulda been 1st vote ............IN!!

Question ..........If he was not good enough to get in on this vote, WHO WAS.
I'd really like to see that list.

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WHAT??? :kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken:

He WAS the Atlanta Hawks offense and defense while there.

First, Fratello gives him no help in ATL, then they traded him to those sorry arse clippers, then to those sorry arse celtics, only to fade out in san antonio and orlando. :smh:

DW was a much better player than MJ. Only thing was Phil was a better coach and Krause made sure MJ was surrounded with a better cast.

What they should have done was sent DW to Chicago back in 96-98. Shame on the NBA HOF!!

DW...the greatest of all time
I used to love watching "The Human Highlight Film", but as much as this pains me because i really don't like this guy, he isn't better than Jordan.
Nique has been screwed more than a $2.00 hooker in 1974. First it was the Slam-Dunk contest in Chicago, then the Dream Team, traded to the Clippers, 50 greatest players, and now this. The bad thing about it is that he has never been in any trouble or had character issues.
It's not the NBA Hall of Fame...there isn't an NBA Hall of Fame to my knowledge. It's the Basketball Hall of Fame and can include coaches, European League, Women, NAIA, College...

Dominque was a different player (in terms of role) than Jordan...he wasn't expected required to handle the rock. But in terms of being a force he was just as awesome. I think Jordan was better defensively but Wilkens wasn't a defensive liability in any sense of the word. Never seemed to get the respect he deserved... I still think he should have been an original Dream Teamer (even if it meant leaving off Pippen, Mullens, and especially Lattner).

Note: He and Isaiah both got screwed out of being an original Dream Teamer... Drexler wouldn't have made it had he not been MVP that year.
MikeBigg said:
It's not the NBA Hall of Fame...there isn't an NBA Hall of Fame to my knowledge. It's the Basketball Hall of Fame and can include coaches, European League, Women, NAIA, College...

Dominque was a different player (in terms of role) than Jordan...he wasn't expected required to handle the rock. But in terms of being a force he was just as awesome. I think Jordan was better defensively but Wilkens wasn't a defensive liability in any sense of the word. Never seemed to get the respect he deserved... I still think he should have been an original Dream Teamer (even if it meant leaving off Pippen, Mullens, and especially Lattner).

Note: He and Isaiah both got screwed out of being an original Dream Teamer... Drexler wouldn't have made it had he not been MVP that year.
Drexler was NEVER MVP. Just hype.
MikeBigg said:
It's not the NBA Hall of Fame...there isn't an NBA Hall of Fame to my knowledge. It's the Basketball Hall of Fame and can include coaches, European League, Women, NAIA, College...

Dominque was a different player (in terms of role) than Jordan...he wasn't expected required to handle the rock. But in terms of being a force he was just as awesome. I think Jordan was better defensively but Wilkens wasn't a defensive liability in any sense of the word. Never seemed to get the respect he deserved... I still think he should have been an original Dream Teamer (even if it meant leaving off Pippen, Mullens, and especially Lattner).

Note: He and Isaiah both got screwed out of being an original Dream Teamer... Drexler wouldn't have made it had he not been MVP that year.

Jordan was MVP that year.
enswaclopedia said:
Drexler was NEVER MVP. Just hype.

Not hype...just talent!

Because of his low-key demeanor(and the fact that he played in an era when the Lakers/Boston then Chicago garnered the media attention) he was overlooked and never received his due. Also was victimized by playing with selfish teammates (Kersey, Duckworth, etc) who refused to allow him to be the go to guy down the stretch.

I remember the game when they could have closed out Detroit and win it all...Drexler got the ball on the elbow (posted up) and penetrated to the basket. When the defense collapsed, he did the right thing by passing the ball to a wide open Terry Porter who missed the wide open three. Drexler was questioned for not taking the shot (which would have been a selfish play). Years later Jordan is in the same situation and passes the ball out to Paxson who nails the shot againt Phoenix. Jordan gets credit for making the pass (rightfully so) and is deemed fundamentally sound as well as talented. Drexler did the exact same thing and gets criticized. It's all a matter of opinion!

Consider his versatility: He ended his illustrious NBA career joining Oscar Robertson and John Havlicek as the only players in NBA history to top 20,000 points, 6,000 rebounds and 3,000 assists.
MikeBigg said:
It's not the NBA Hall of Fame...there isn't an NBA Hall of Fame to my knowledge. It's the Basketball Hall of Fame and can include coaches, European League, Women, NAIA, College...

Dominque was a different player (in terms of role) than Jordan...he wasn't expected required to handle the rock. But in terms of being a force he was just as awesome. I think Jordan was better defensively but Wilkens wasn't a defensive liability in any sense of the word. Never seemed to get the respect he deserved... I still think he should have been an original Dream Teamer (even if it meant leaving off Pippen, Mullens, and especially Lattner).

Note: He and Isaiah both got screwed out of being an original Dream Teamer... Drexler wouldn't have made it had he not been MVP that year.

You're right, there is no NBA Hall of Fame. Basketball is unique in the sense of having one Hall of Fame that encompasses basketball globally on all levels. I think what hurt Nique is that he was overshadowed by other great forwards of his time, such as Bird and Worthy. Those players played for championships and Nique was never quite on a team good enough to get to the Finals. As a result, he just doesn't get his due for just how great a player he was. Even now, when he's mentioned, they discuss all of his high-flying abilities, but never his abilities as a player.
This noted from the referenced article...
Last year, college coaches were shut out in the balloting. This year, the seven former NBA players among the list of 16 finalists -- Joe Dumars, Dennis Johnson, Adrian Dantley, Dominique Wilkins, Bernard King, Maurice Cheeks and Chet Walker -- ended up on the outside.

Restated: None of the NBA players on the ballot got in this year. NONE.

Dumars deserves to get in as a GM alone. Dantley was a terrific ABA/NBA player and an even better college player for Notre Dame.

These things go in cycles.

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Nique was robbed again...this dude is not getting the respect he deserves.

Why is the basketball HOF electing people who are currently active in the sport. Most HOFs only elect members who have finished participating in their sport. I think a HOF honor should be judged after you are retired.
As a former Hawks teammate of Nique, I think it's ridiculous he didn't get voted in the first time (just as ridiculous as his exclusion from the 50 greatest) :tdown:
But surely, he'll get the vote next time.

As for Nique being better than Jordan, sorry, but no he wasn't. Jordan was the best ever. Period.

And as for Nique being a great defensive player, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I read about the snub in the AJC a few days ago. Nique said he was shocked. No doubt Boehiem and Calhoun deserved to get in (recall Calhoun was snubbed last year when the announcement came out before the national championship game with GT).

I wonder if Sue Gunter's health issues provided a catalyst to her nomination (not saying it is not deserved).

It is hard to believe a player with 26,000 points is not a 1st ballot HOFer. Maybe it is the college he went too. ;)
GSUperTiger said:
I wonder if Sue Gunter's health issues provided a catalyst to her nomination (not saying it is not deserved).

I doubt that since Guy V Lewis is still not sick as he is.
Blacknbengal said:

None of these guys deserved to be in.
Dude, I don't know about Sue Gunter, but the rest deserve to be in. Hortencia was the best women's hooper on the planet for a long time, playing for Brazil (I think). I saw her play a few times in various games (Olympic, Pan Am, etc.) She was a baller. And the men coaches are definitely HOF material.

As for 'Nique, he must have pissed off some very powerful people.

Bernard King should be in, too. NOBODY could check him. Scoring machine.
Robber said:
Bernard King should be in, too. NOBODY could check him. Scoring machine.
How long did B King play? I know knee injuries ended his career, but he was definitely a scoring machine -- definitely one NYC's coldest.