Destiny's Child

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Yeah Beyonce's weave was out there. Kelly had on Philly Colors. Beyonce's gear just said NBA on it and Michelle and the dancers had on LA Gear. Now that was none to smart to wear LA Gear in Philly. But Who in here thinks DC is well on their way, if not already there, to OVER_EXPOSURE.:( I mean come on. Enough already ..... chant with me now "No more Destiny's child" or better yet "Beyonce and Destiny's Child." ;) :(
while we were @ Churches Chicken, a conversation sparked up about last night, and a lil girl said Beyonce is expecting, this is gossip so no one get bent out of shape.

Beyonce still finer than a M'F.........I aint gonna hate too much!!! they just had a bad performance!

looking at it from a male standpoint alotta females hate Destiny Child!!!! I guess they feel these girls are getting to much publicity......females I tell ya:(:rolleyes:
Philly should be ashamed of themselves

Most of the negative stuff I've heard about DC has been from females. And they mainly talk about Beyonce. I think they're just jealous because she's beautiful. But it's not just her....anytime someone comes out and they're doing their thing, people are gonna hate. I bet if she was big fat and ugly, they'd just LOVE HER!!! If she then lost weight and got her self fixed up they'd be like "I liked her better when she was fat and ugly. She can't sing now"

Kelly Price watch out. So what they had on LA gear. LA is in the finals and is going to win it Friday night!!!

Hey NastyNupe (and others)... I don't really think it's about being jealous of other woman. Overkill is overkill PERIOD!!! Now being from H-town, I will give DC all of their props, but you have to earn them, and then you have to work to keep them. I think Beyonce is very beautiful... NATURALLY. Her mom is going overboard with the weaving and styling and pretty soon they are going to go from classy to straight trashy if they keep this up (reference the Case video... classy). For example.... when I went home during lunch today I caught a glimpse of Mariah Carey's new video (sorry I can't remember the name of the song) but it feature Da Brat and some other folks. It takes place at on a race track (cars) and Mariah looks like she is purposely trying to portray the "dumb blond, playboy bunny, girl next door" image. Here ass is HANGING out of her shorts and she is all up in the camera.... UNNESSESARY. I was very disappointed in it. The girl can sing... and she doesn't need to sell herself sexually because her voice and natural beauty do it for her. Now mind you I have loved Mariah since the "vision of love" days and even bought the "rainbow" CD.... but I wanted to puck when I saw that new video today. Overkill is overkill. Sometimes it ain't about hate... but about FACTS.

Just my .02 :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tara
This is a quote straight from my mom on their performance,

"They looked like someone dropped them in a hot vat of KFC chicken grease before they went out there. Beyonce's weave could have helped 20 cancer kemo patients, and if she doesn't step away from the table soon and say, "no more gravy please", she's going to blow-up, <b>literally</b>. They can't sing worth a damn and their outfits looked like mama sewed them the night before."

Now that's what my mom said, I'll keep my comments to myself. :D

Your Mom is off the chain! :)

Everyone knows I'm not the biggest "Destiny's Child" fan, so I'll
leave my personal comments out of this as well.

All I have to say about this is GOOOOOOOOOOO LAKERS!
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
Most of the negative stuff I've heard about DC has been from females. And they mainly talk about Beyonce. I think they're just jealous because she's beautiful.

I hate to point this out, but at least on this particular thread, the majority of what you define as "hating" was posted by the men ( and my momma :D ).
Originally posted by blaquebuterfly
and Mariah looks like she is purposely trying to portray the "dumb blond, playboy bunny, girl next door" image. Here ass is HANGING out of her shorts and she is all up in the camera.... UNNESSESARY.

but I wanted to puck when I saw that new video today. Overkill is overkill. Sometimes it ain't about hate... but about FACTS.

Just my .02 :rolleyes:
I feel ya BB that video is sad but its geared towards men, like most videos are.:confused: :confused:
The words of overkill and overexposure are right on for DC. These girls will be yesterday's news by the time they are 25. Matthew Knowles had better watch what he is doing.
Philly fan are some of the worse fans in the U.S. These are the same fans that cheered Micheal Irvin while he is getting carried off in a stretcher. And the same fans that through D-Cell batteries at J.D. Drew when he played baseball there for the first time (The Phillies drafted him and he refused to play there). There owner refused to let X-President Clinton sit in the owners box and refused to give him court side seats for game 3. You better not go into Philly with anything but 76's, Phillies, Eagles, or Flyers gear. Destiny's Child are lucky all they just got boo'ed.

But they still look good. But I wish Michelle would wear some of the revealing clothes Kelly and Beyonce wear.
DOes anyone know where I can look for a showing of this halftime show on the internet. i missed it but I keep hearing so much about it. I would like to laugh.
Hey EB... what you doing in "dat" College Station.... home of the world's best institution of higher learning!!!! What is up with that!!!! Do I have a comrade on this page? Tell me a little somethin' somethin'!!

I hate to let you know where I was coming from, but I really wasn't referencing the posts on TSPN. I was talking about comments I've heard on the radio and other various media outlets. But thanks for pointing that out. :idea:

Originally posted by Tara

I hate to point this out, but at least on this particular thread, the majority of what you define as "hating" was posted by the men ( and my momma :D ).
Originally posted by Tara
This is a quote straight from my mom on their performance,

"They looked like someone dropped them in a hot vat of KFC chicken grease before they went out there. Beyonce's weave could have helped 20 cancer kemo patients, and if she doesn't step away from the table soon and say, "no more gravy please", she's going to blow-up, <b>literally</b>. They can't sing worth a damn and their outfits looked like mama sewed them the night before."

Now that's what my mom said, I'll keep my comments to myself. :D

LOL@Tara's moms
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
I hate to let you know where I was coming from, but I really wasn't referencing the posts on TSPN. I was talking about comments I've heard on the radio and other various media outlets. But thanks for pointing that out. :idea:

That's cool. That's why I including, "this particular thread" in my statement.
Jacked from MTV

Maybe 76ers fans just wanted Destiny's Child to say their name and their name only.

At Wednesday's NBA playoffs game, the Philadelphia team's hometown crowd booed a halftime performance by the superstar trio, peeved by singer Michelle Williams' jersey hyping 76ers opponents the Los Angeles Lakers.

The upset fans didn't seem to take any solace in the fact that Kelly Rowland was clad in 76ers gear or that Beyonc? Knowles wore a top displaying "NBA" and both teams' names.

Destiny's Child's Columbia Records publicist claimed the girls were obliging the NBA's request for them to wear both Lakers and 76ers clothing. "Destiny's Child agreed to wear the gear as a way of showing support for both teams and celebrating the spirit of the NBA championship series," Yvette Noel-Schure said, reading from a statement.

But NBA spokesperson Michael Bass said the NBA made no such request and that the outfits were the girls' own choice.

Regardless, Sixers fans, whose team was trailing 14 points at halftime, weren't down with it. Boos ? which are not uncommon in the "City of Brotherly Love" ? erupted as soon as the threesome took the stage to launch into "Survivor." At the end of the second song, Destiny's Child's new single, "Bootylicious," the boos completely drowned out the applause.

"It doesn't matter that they had 76ers gear on too. To wear the enemy's sh-- in our house is straight-up disrespectful, and people were pissed," said Jason Green, a 23-year-old Sixers fan who attended the game. "It's like coming into a Buddhist temple with a shirt that says 'Jesus Saves.'"

Destiny's Child have performed the national anthem at several NBA games over the past five years. Sugar Ray are scheduled to perform at Friday's game between the Lakers and the 76ers, also in Philadelphia. There was no word at press time on what they planned to wear.

Perhaps as strange as the Destiny's Child clothing controversy was the post-game chalk talk from elusive Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose.

Rose, who for the better part of a decade has made only a few public appearances, told an NBC reporter it was the first basketball game he'd ever attended.

"I'm rooting for both teams, so I win either way," he said.

But Destiny's Child have learned not to be so optimistic.

Originally posted by GramTigress

Lex, yes she has. I think she knows it too, b/c she attends my aerobic classes when she is here in Houston. LOL!!!

Hey Girl....Can I start coming to your aerobic classes with you?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
*thinking of Beyonce' warming up for her aerobic workout*

Gram, sneak a camera into your aerobics class and get a picture of Beyonce' warming up!! And get some of the actual workout, too!!

*I know that she can't do that!*
Originally posted by Antroy
*thinking of Beyonce' warming up for her aerobic workout*

Gram, sneak a camera into your aerobics class and get a picture of Beyonce' warming up!! And get some of the actual workout, too!!

*I know that she can't do that!*

:p LOL! Antroy, step aerobics is no punk, especially when you are using hand weights. Believe me, I do not have the energy to take pics of Beyonce' during our work-outs. No one really bothers her. Most of the time she drops in with her sister.

SuperJag, now you know that you are not driving from clear lake daily for a 5:30pm aerobics class. :rolleyes: BTW, where in the "L" were you yesterday? I have a scholarship bar-b-que ticket to sell you. Call me.......better yet, check your PM.
Originally posted by blaquebuterfly
Hey EB... what you doing in "dat" College Station.... home of the world's best institution of higher learning!!!! What is up with that!!!! Do I have a comrade on this page? Tell me a little somethin' somethin'!!

As usual nothing much is going on in "good old" Bryan/College Station. Things quite down a lot when the students leave.
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