Ann Coulter's new book!!! If this aint some S_d schit!!!

Well that goes for the Bush side also that wants to dish out the Emperor Bush agenda, but gets upset when the other side dishes it out also.

Both sides are full of it and we need a new party that has ingeritry, honor, class and most of all; TELL THE TRUTH AND NOT A BUNCH OF BS! BOTH SIDES NEED JESUS AND ARE LEADING US TO HELL ON A GREASE POLE!
wahines said:
Both sides are full of it and we need a new party that has ingeritry, honor, class and most of all; TELL THE TRUTH AND NOT A BUNCH OF BS! BOTH SIDES NEED JESUS AND ARE LEADING US TO HELL ON A GREASE POLE!

The new party thing is not realistic. What makes you think a new party will be any different than these?

What I think we need is for people to become more independent of a particular party and vote for issues on a case-by-case basis and let the chips fall were they may.

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Bartram said:
The new party thing is not realistic. What makes you think a new party will be any different than these?

What I think we need is for people to become more independent of a particular party and vote for issues on a case-by-case basis and let the chips fall were they may.

Bart I disagree on this issue about new parties. There are two parties that are different, the Greens and Libertarians.

I see the real problem is one party rule, it’s always a disaster. The first two years of the Clinton administration were horrible, because the Dems ruled Congress and the Executive branch. Bush’s administration is horrible, because the Reps are ruling Congress and the Executive Branch. There is no debate on economic, military and social policies. The Congress becomes a rubber stamp for policies and the extreme in the parties get their agenda through.

Like I said in my previous post, Ann's real problem is that Newscorp's outlets are not supporting her.
Olde Hornet said:
Bart I disagree on this issue about new parties. There are two parties that are different, the Greens and Libertarians.

I see the real problem is one party rule, it?s always a disaster. The first two years of the Clinton administration were horrible, because the Dems ruled Congress and the Executive branch. Bush?s administration is horrible, because the Reps are ruling Congress and the Executive Branch. There is no debate on economic, military and social policies. The Congress becomes a rubber stamp for policies and the extreme in the parties get their agenda through.

Like I said in my previous post, Ann's real problem is that Newscorp's outlets are not supporting her.

The Greens and the Libertarians are not in power in any significant way now and are like the popular 2nd string QB (like Major Applewhite behind Chris Sims at Texas a few years ago,,, or Tyler Watts nipping at the heels of Andrew Zow at Alabama a few years ago.) that everyone wants to be put into the game man.

If they were to get into power, they would resort to the exact same habits, propaganda, tactics, espousing of "their ideology good, any other ideology bad" just as the parties in power now; basically doing whatever they have to do to stay in power, not necessarily being honest about events and situations that arise. In fact if parties/politicians were actually honest and forthright on issues, nobody would stay in office any length of time because invariably they would piss too many people off,,, if they were really honest about an issue and not trying to placate various interest groups to stay in power.

I can't believe you are defending the antics of the viled Ann Coulter. Even Roger Ailes say she has crossed the lines. No one is arguing that she shouldn't have the right to say what she wants. We are criticizing what she said not her right to say it. There is a different.
J C said:

I can't believe you are defending the antics of the viled Ann Coulter. Even Roger Ailes say she has crossed the lines. No one is arguing that she shouldn't have the right to say what she wants. We are criticizing what she said not her right to say it. There is a different.

Well if the ladies of 911 would not have come out with their outlandish statements that are totally idiotic, Coulter wouldn't have such an easy target. Have you heard the vitriol from the left, even these ladies Coulter is blasting? Enough already with the "bush was responsible" non-sense even if you hate Bush when you got islamic radical fundamentalist jihadist TELLING you what they are going to do to you (AND TRIED TO DO IT ON CLINTON'S WATCH!!!!) for God sake. look, if they can't stand the heat, don't run inflamatory smack or don't whine when you get it back.

like i say, i really don't believe in censorship of any kind or anybody because, like i said, who's to decide what's "fair"? It's amusing to me that FINALLY these leftist dopes can't just run their smack, even in "morning", without being taken to task, EVEN by words that Coulter used. And besides, it all works out well. In a free country like this you can blast Ann Coulter if you want and we can have debates on it and everyone gets more insight into the issues and there is no bloodshed. Our system is the best in the world.

And JC, spare me all this sensitivity to words, we can't have this. this is what leads to a society that is Orwellian to say the least. you mean to tell me people, especially on this forum, black commedians and the countless prominent liberal left voices don't say/do the equivalent to George Bush a sitting president as he is lampooned, ridiculed and ripped to shreads? (as the right did to Clinton when he was in office)
J C said:

I can't believe you are defending the antics of the viled Ann Coulter. Even Roger Ailes say she has crossed the lines. No one is arguing that she shouldn't have the right to say what she wants. We are criticizing what she said not her right to say it. There is a different.

I cannot believe it either. If Roger Ailes said that she crossed the line, then she has a lot of problems. He is one person that she should not want to offend.

BTW those 911 widows were the ones to push for the commission so people could find out what happened on intelligence and who knew what and when. In addition to criticizing Bush, they also criticized Clinton.

I too am criticizing what she said-not her right to say it.
Supreme Ruler Bush and his mouth pieces are always right. They want to dish out their so call retric, but can't take it when the truth is shot back at them. The widows has every right to speak out on the issues. We are slowly going to a dicactorship when you have no right to speak out on the issues. Just take whatever lie is told to you no matter if was from Clinton or Bush. We need new leadership in this country and neither side is right for us. :angel2:
wahines said:
Supreme Ruler Bush and his mouth pieces are always right. They want to dish out their so call retric, but can't take it when the truth is shot back at them. The widows has every right to speak out on the issues. We are slowly going to a dicactorship when you have no right to speak out on the issues. Just take whatever lie is told to you no matter if was from Clinton or Bush. We need new leadership in this country and neither side is right for us. :angel2:


I think the nation might FINALLY be fed up with these holier than thou right wing fanatics. You can tell lies to the American public for only so long.
AAMU Alum said:

I think the nation might FINALLY be fed up with these holier than thou right wing fanatics. You can tell lies to the American public for only so long.

AA, I'd have to see it to believe it.
I saw her last night on The Tonight Show.

Here is the clip from last night. coulter

When Jay read what she said in the book, the audience was shocked. But the interview was civil.

Look, I can't defend Coulter's name calling style of writing, but I agree with her MAIN point.

This is why I had a problem with Cindy Sheenan. She has a right to disagree with the war and with Bush. But there are just some things that she has done and said that pretty much made her an open target. Coulter is saying just because you experienced a personal tragedy doesn't mean you should be shielded from criticism.
What is all of this back and forth accomplishing? We are still in an unjust war and don't know what to do to fix the problem. The unjust war was start by Ditactor, King, Supreme Ruler Bush who Coulter supports and it doesn't matter if Bush butchers the constitution.

If Sheenan can be open to criticism, so too can Coulter. It amazes me that relatives can lose love ones in 9/11 or the War on "SO CALLED TERROR" WHEN IT REALLY WAR ON SOMEONE ELSES RESOURCE can't ask the Government for answers or criticize our government who lies to us no matter Rep of Dems are in charge and has lied to the American people for year. Just take that whatever King Bush say is right no matter what the constitution or what the truth is.
I saw her on Leno too, something's not right with that woman...seriously. :dizzy:

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Killer Bees said:
I saw her last night on The Tonight Show.

Here is the clip from last night. coulter

When Jay read what she said in the book, the audience was shocked. But the interview was civil.

Look, I can't defend Coulter's name calling style of writing, but I agree with her MAIN point.

This is why I had a problem with Cindy Sheenan. She has a right to disagree with the war and with Bush. But there are just some things that she has done and said that pretty much made her an open target. Coulter is saying just because you experienced a personal tragedy doesn't mean you should be shielded from criticism.

No - this is what she said In her book, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

Ann is not being protected by Newscorp on this issue. They are hanging her out to dry.

If she wanted to say what you interrepted, she would have done so, she is not stupid, she is trying to sell books. She was trying to be a shock Jockette for books. She needs to listen to Howard if she wants to play successfully in that field.

When people show you who they are, believe them. -- Maya Angelou.
If you didn't know it before you saw her on Leno, then you sure as hell should know it now...

That biyatch is as crazy as the year is long!