Allen Keys Finally Gets Him a Show.


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Allen Keys is Making Sense,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,, man,,,, this guy and all this rhetorical, "put morality back on the political map" non-sense,,,,,,,,, :rolleyes: x 100.

AAMUers,,,,,,,,,,, you telling me this guy was actually PRESIDENT of AAMU???:confused: You gotta be KIDDING me!

ok, ok,,, but alas,,,,, dude is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY smart; i'll give him that, no problemo. this guy can run circles around his white conservative/republican counterparts, and I think colleges (particularly HBCUs) could put together some EPIC debates between, say, Keys/Oklahoma dude and Jessie/Farakhan/Sharpton etc,,,,, but all this "moral compass" crap,,, i mean,,, give me a break.

Ok Mr. Keys,,, if you (and many who vote for members of your party because your party "has the moral high ground") are such an expert on morality and this is the "in thing" in politics today, then why haven't you been elected the first black republican president???????? i mean,,, you got all the moral credentials,,, your "character" is beyond reproach, you'd make Clinton look like a member of the Taliban,,, so what's up?!:confused: why come you keep gettin' snubbed for the republican presidential nomination??
Man, where do I start.

First of all Alan Keys won't be elected as president for the same reason no black democrat will be elected as president. Because they are BLACK !!! We currently comprise 12% of the nations' total population. 25% of that 12% votes. So that equates to a WHOPPING 3% voting power nationwide. Whoopdef***indoo !!!

Some of "US" get fooled because we live in cities like Jackson, Memphis, New Orleans, and Atlanta into thinking that we are the majority and can sway some voting percentages outside the local level. But move your arse to Davenport Iowa or Lincolin Nebraska and you will see exactly how much influence you have.

I have always considered myself a Moderate leaning more towards the right as a Conservative. I personally have no problems with the Slight Left....But I hate the hell out of the extreme Left. I.E. the Jesse Jackson's and Hillary Clinton's and Maxine Waters of the world. And no I don't ride on G. Gordon Liddy's or Rush Limbaugh's jockstraps either.....but I do fear the far left far more than I do the far right. Because look at what the far Right has as a platform....MORAL STANDARDS !!!
Look at what the far Left has as a platform....LIBERALISM !!!

I will always lean towards the right, because I have too many historical documents in support of it.

And Alan Keyes would "kick to sleep" Jesse or Al Sharpton's arse in a debate......but you will never see it because the Democratic party will do all they can to keep black America from seeing Conservative v.s. Liberal black ideology on national T.V.

You know why, because it they saw it they would also see that black people don't always just have to vote Democrat like we think we always have to do. Oh and by the way, "I" was a lost sheep myself and did it for years until I "WOKE UP" !!!!!


CONSERVATISM is the equal distribution of Wealth!!!!!

LIBERALISM is the unequal distribution of Poverty !!!!!

Show me a Young Man that is not Liberal and I will say that he has no Heart !!!
Show me a Mature Man that is not Conservative and I will say that he has no Brain !!!
- Winston Churchill

BTW, I know you can get an artifical heart nowdays with modern science....but, they aint created artificial brains yet, now have they, so which is more important ??????


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Makaho Bedrock,

I have a problem with all this talk about morality among both party lines. We are always talking about morality, and how this country stand for right. Well, I have a few questions that I need answering. Why do we have homeless people in this country? Why do we have so many poor people in this country? Why does the white man still thinks that he own this country when he hasn't worked a honest day work to stake claim? Why did this country take all the land from our native american brothers and sisters, and never took responsibility for their evil deeds? Why did we have slavery in this country? And why did my white brothers and sisters use blacks to build this country, and never gave us our forty acres and a mule? Why do we still have lynching, the death penalty, police brutality, and numerous other racist acts in this country, if we suppose to be so moral? Why does blacks get in positions where they can help each other out, but instead we get the big head and think we are better than our fellow brothers and sisters? Why do we as blacks and whites characterize ourselves into different classifications (such as upper middle class, middle class, lower class, and so on)?

Do you think our Lord and Savior is going to look as us as been such a moral and wonderful country? We are a perculiar people, and I hope and pray that God have mercy on our souls. I hope we all becomes more spiritual conscious about love, caring, sharing, and doing what is right by our fellow man. I also hope and pray that we all realize that we are all human beings, and that God did not make one person any better than the other one. We all need to understand the true meaning of MORALITY and not use it so blatantly. We have a lot to reap in this country and it is not going to be pretty.
Originally posted by Bartram
AAMUers,,,,,,,,,,, you telling me this guy was actually PRESIDENT of AAMU???:confused: You gotta be KIDDING me!

Trust me, he wasn't there long. Who knows why - maybe he could have been a positive influence.
WHY ???

JSUII, if I had the answers to those questions then not only would I be a Billionaire, but I would probably have an S on my chest as well. But as far as your 40 acre and a mule questions and slavery references go I would be safe in making the assumption that we will never receive any reperations from slavery. Why?

All those old bastardss are dead....So they can't testify in Congress.

Every white person living today has the arguement in their favor that "it was'nt ME" doing that back then.

They also bring up the arguement that a lot of Whites died in the civil war fighting other Whites to end slavery.

My point to all this is don't expect anything from a former Slave Master. Why? If they did'nt treat you right when you were their property then why are they gonna do it now. If I did'nt change the oil in my car when I owned it, I'm sure as hell not gonna do it for the Finance company that repossed it after it's sold to someone else.

Which is why I always tell "US" to make it a point to deal with black owned business. If you are gonna buy a house get a black realtor. If you are gonna put your money in a bank, try to utilize a black owned bank. Hell, If I wan't a Hamburger, I eat at McDonalds because my frat Leroy Walker owns everyone in Jackson (15). If we don't take care of ourselves then nobody else will. Nobody helps someone that does'nt help themselves.
Re: Man, where do I start.

Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
First of all Alan Keys won't be elected as president for the same reason no black democrat will be elected as president. Because they are BLACK !!!
Wrong, Alan Keyes won't be elected president because of his extremist views. If Alan Keyes was white (and he might be-lol), he still wouldn't be elected with his views. So, to say Keyes race is the reason is shortsighted.

Because look at what the far Right has as a platform....MORAL STANDARDS !!!
Look at what the far Left has as a platform....LIBERALISM !!!
Please explain. And start by defining, far right and far left.
Since you're good at finding pics on the web ( :D ), it would be real helpful if you quote the exact platforms too.

And Alan Keyes would "kick to sleep" Jesse or Al Sharpton's arse in a debate
I'm no big fan of Jesse, but I'm confident that the brother won't get kicked to sleep by anybody in a debate. Besides, its all about perceptions. If Keyes is spouting views which you agree with, of course, you would say that he would "kick to sleep" someone who's views you may not agree with

You know why, because it they saw it they would also see that black people don't always just have to vote Democrat like we think we always have to do. Oh and by the way, "I" was a lost sheep myself and did it for years until I "WOKE UP" !!!!!
It's sad that you think that just because a black person votes "Democrat" he's lost. I remember you saying that you vote "Democrat" sometimes too. Do you only vote "Democrat" when you're lost?

If you want to be a Republican ,vote for Republican candidates, and support Republican causes that's your perogative. That's your right.

But don't come in here saying I'm a "lost sheep" when I exercise my same rights to support a candidate and party of my own choosing.
Re: Re: Man, where do I start.

Originally posted by mighty hornet

It's sad that you think that just because a black person votes "Democrat" he's lost. I remember you saying that you vote "Democrat" sometimes too. Do you only vote "Democrat" when you're lost?

If you want to be a Republican ,vote for Republican candidates, and support Republican causes that's your perogative. That's your right.

But don't come in here saying I'm a "lost sheep" when I exercise my same rights to support a candidate and party of my own choosing.

MH, look at the statistics. We do vote Democratic overwhelmingly more than any ethnic group in this country including Hispanics. If you truly believe in Liberal Ideals and what the Democratic party stands for then thats cool with me. But bruh, I meet too many people that say I can't vote Republican because quote Black Folks are supposed to vote Democrat. And these same people are more conservative than I will ever be.

For example, there is a guy down the hall from us...everyday I hear G. Gordon Liddy and Rush Limbaugh coming from his office. But guess what he claims to be a yellow dog Democrat. He's 50 years old and has never voted Rep. Why? Because according to him WE aint supposed to do that. BTW, he always tells me that Rush keeps it real. I then tell him, I listen to Jim Rome and Kylie and Boone's sports shows instead.

Another example, I have a female cousin that just graduated from Tougaloo. She asked me how could I be a Republican and that my aunt and uncle say that we should vote democrat and that she can't vote for a republican.

I then told her that..

1. Her momma and daddy told her not to drink....she did it anyway.

2. Her momma and daddy told her not to smoke...she did it anyway.

3. Her momma and daddy told her not to have pre-marital sex...she did it anyway.

4. Her momma and daddy told her not to curse...she does it anyway, just not in front of them.

I then asked that based on her actions pertaing to advice on issues far more dire in one's life than voting, if my aunt and uncle are obviously Wrong about drinking, smoking, fu***ing, and cursing; then how can the be Right about voting Democrat. :D
And MH, I was a lost sheep, because I used to do the same thing, and I do vote democratic if the candidate is better.
I'm just glad that Alan Keyes finally got a decent haircut.:D
,,, first of all,,, GDmit,, i gotta C&P some of yalls takes,,

,,, namely MB's,,,,,,, before I can respond appropriately.

,,,, but just briefly,,,, Mighty Hornet steals some of my thunder.

Makaho,,,,, again I will say,,,, it is simply AMAZING to me that you exhibit some of the precise characteristics that you blast "democrats/liberals" for when it comes to politics, political support and voting! :D

,,, uh, but let me go back, cut & paste your takes so that I can read them and respond because it's so much stuff I must respond to i don't want to miss nuthin. :)

One of my key tenants is this; black people, reguardless of political affiliation, need to pool all resources. For example, we need to have people on both sides of the fence and those people need to be, in effect, like the Jews; that is to say,,, the bottom line needs to be the well being of the black race as a whole if we are all so concerned about black folks like we say we are. If there is a republican administration, we need to have republican "connections"; if there is a democratic administration, we need to have a democratic "connection. Big corporations and PACs do this all the time!

Negroes need to understand the game and master it just like the Jews have done. The Jews GET OVER (as a whole, generally speaking) no matter who is in power politically/economically. They "get it" and the bottom line as far as they are concerned is Israel and the Jewish race/faith,,,,,, "PERIOD",, end of story. Was looking at a show on the holocaust last night. It is AMAZING to me that deez mugz systematically,,,,, SYSTIMATICALLY I SAY,,,,, tracked down every FREAKING WWII Nozzi that was calling the shots under Hitler in harming Jews,,, and brought dey funky arse to justice. Hitler's boys had nowhere to hide on this earth; NOWHERE ON THIS EARTH I SAY!!! That is amazing. Just think if Negroes(or Indians) had acquired the economic and political power over the centuries to systematically track down and bring to justice all those who had harmed Negroes(Indians).

,, but anyway,,, uh-back in a few.
Voting Republican.

Makaho, the reason I would not vote republican in Alabama is because the general masses of the most hardline racist elements in this state migrated from the democratic party to the republican party when Wallace could not hold back the tide of overwhelming social/political reform and abandoned his vote-getting race-mongering rhetoric.

They identify EXCLUSIVELY with republican party doctrine on things like private schools(ET AL!) which is essentially, at it's core in virtually every region in the south, just another way to circumvent integration, federal mandates. They are determined to defy federal dictates at any/all cost because they are still bent about losing the civil war basically. Now there are cases of private schools that are legit and mean well, don't get me wrong, but we all know why there are so many elementary and high school "ACADAMIES" in the deep south breh.

Basically I feel that the hardcore racists, uh-who still participate in the political process and are not fanatical militia/skinhead/WAN hacks, can more easily camoflauge themselves in republican/conservative doctrine more readily than democratic/liberal doctrine, politics. You can see and hear it by observing people and the media. It's amazing how in the south all the "rednecks" and confederate hacks ALWAYS seem to agree with Limbaugh, Newt, Bob Barr or conservatives in general,,, and how the conservatives always seem to take their side on the rebel flag and any race related issues. The conservatives always seem to have SOME kind of spin in racial issues that doesn't outright support the Jim Crow good ole days,, but doesn't refute the good ole days either,, and, in fact, lends encouragement to the disgruntled, confederate/racist misfits types in this state and the south,, or disaffected whites across this country in general.

I have no problem with a Colen Powell. The guy from Oklahoma I would vote for given the choice of him or a white conservative, all things considered. He seems like a reasonable lad. Allen Keys I am fascinated with interlectually, but I wouldn't vote for him because of all his moral/religious rhetoric. I see little need for such emphasis on religion in politics. It's just like the race card in the 60s. It's simply an emotional issue to sway votes.

more as i continue to review your reply.
Republican, Democrat, Independent...blah...blah..blah.

Vote for the lesser of the 3 evils...

Politics is just that...POLITICS!

Democrats nor Republicans have to believe jack ish to get a vote.
They just have to convince you that this is what they're all about.
There are some people who are geniunely concerned about others. There are some people who are genuinely concerned about self only. There are some people who are genuinely concerned about either or, depending upon the situation, cirmcumstances, or goals they intend or wish to reach.

In other, words, it's not necessarily who you vote for that going to make a difference in this world. It's what YOU are going to do that makes the difference. An election/vote is just a that. What are you doing before the elections/vote? What are you doing right now? How are you implementing things in your everyday life to change the world?
aamuprettywoman "gets it", however i would add,,,

That is the general idea aamu~ and I understand the game, HOWEVER,,,,,,, this country, rather you agree/participate or not, is based on voting, politics, political connections and money. (see SGA, fraternities/sororities et al at your HBCU.) It's not a perfect process, but voting, taking a stand on one side or the other, is part of being a participating citizen in this country. Just comes with the territory.

To that end, you gotta vote for somebody or start your own political org and run against the established parties. You gotta participate in the process.

My bottom line is taking each issue on a case-by-case basis. Republican-Democrat or other is less important than that and logically weighing how one personnally feels on an issue, but as it relates to Alabama and my comments to Makaho, this is long established pattern and common knowledge in this state (my point to him about democrat vs republican in Alabama that is.).

You must participate. Look at the influence environmentalist groups and other special interest groups have had on this country. You can't urinate outside your house today without it being considered "pollution of the environment". Who would have thought some tree hugging hippy back in the 60s spouting all kinds of non-sense about contamination of ground water would be able to change this country so profoundly? They took sides somewhere down the line, voted for some party/political view and look what happened