Absolutely SICK of Ms Cleo Terot Card Idiot.


Brand HBCUbian
I never thought I would see the day when someone on TV would repulse me more than Woopie Goldberg, but I stand corrected.

This clown "Ms Cleo" and the incessant commercials really make me throw up. I turn the TV every time they come on.

How do people like this get away with such a bunch of crock?! But watch,,,, if she hasn't already, she'll be doing all the Jay Leno shows, the talk shows, etc.

I guess you would say, s"he may be a clown, but she's a rich clown.". You're probably right.
She does show up a lot even on my junk e-mails. I guess the Ms has a lot of clients because her advertising budget has to be huge.

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Ms. Cleo actually called my phone number at my house. My wife was flipping channels and we watched a video on BET. After the commercial came on the phone rang and to my utter disgust here is MS. CLEO with her wanna be jamaican talking butt. Telling me I have a free 10 minute call with her. Has this happened to anybody else???? I mean she must be getting like mucho dinero for her to be calling and having infomercials like she does
She emailed me to. that damm Ms. Cleo

Ms. Cleo trifling arse has gotta be getting paid. I was talking to a lil project chick and she said she called Ms. Cleo because she had been going thru alot of drama and wanted to know when it was going to end. Go figure.
That sista needs Jesus to solve the problems. I mean I wouldn't even care if she went to buddism, just as long as she does not throw her money away to some trash.
Originally posted by Bartram
I never thought I would see the day when someone on TV would repulse me more than Woopie Goldberg, but I stand corrected.

This clown "Ms Cleo" and the incessant commercials really make me throw up. I turn the TV every time they come on.

How do people like this get away with such a bunch of crock?! But watch,,,, if she hasn't already, she'll be doing all the Jay Leno shows, the talk shows, etc.

I guess you would say, s"he may be a clown, but she's a rich clown.". You're probably right.

You are not the only one that is sick and tired of her.

Pretty soon I will be getting junk mail.

Someone please send a lot of help! :eek:
Man Ms. Cleo called my house once. I was like how this fool get my number:confused: :redhot: .:eek: I just hung up on her arse.:mad:
It's called entertainment. Her commercials are no worst than the horrible commercials they show of the starving children around the world with flies and ish crawling all over their faces right around the time you're about to bite into that juicy steak you just finished cooking.....
1. Miss Cleo tells you what you want to and what SHE thinks you want to hear;

2. People GIVE/SEND her money, so


Heck , Miss Cleo is better than those tellalievangelist, at least she calls you at home when she FEELS you having problems. When did Creflo or TD or Rod etc. last call yall???????????:p ;) :D
That is different altogether. Ms. Cleo cannot help any body because she is just like you and me. She is flesh and blood. So is TD, Creflo, etc. The power of God is what delivers and solves problems. To compare man to God is terrible but Ms. Cleo is only in this to make a buck, not help people. Look at what happened to Dionne Warwick's psychic reading business!!!!

Fake Jamacian accent!!!!!! MZZZZ CLEEEEEOOOOO!!!! Pleeze!!!
Originally posted by Tha Truth1914
That is different altogether. Ms. Cleo cannot help any body because she is just like you and me. She is flesh and blood. So is TD, Creflo, etc. The power of God is what delivers and solves problems. To compare man to God is terrible but Ms. Cleo is only in this to make a buck, not help people. Look at what happened to Dionne Warwick's psychic reading business!!!!

Fake Jamacian accent!!!!!! MZZZZ CLEEEEEOOOOO!!!! Pleeze!!!

Amen...now dat's da truth!!!
Tha Truth is leaving because IT'S THE WEEKEND BABY!!!!!

Leaving this with ya'll. Trust in the Lord in all thine ways, and he shall direct thy paths. Have a great weekend and I will see you peeps Monday. 1 1/2 months till HBCU football season. GET CRUNK!!!

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Hell she got on my nerves the first time I saw her. If she is for real, how come she is not in Jamaica helping her own people. I hear right now, they need all the help they can get.
As long as people believe in their powers and what they can see in crystal balls, cards & candles they will always have a substantial income. They set up shop where they know they can get the MONEY which is probably why she isn't in Jamaca and I would be surprised if she weren't from somewhere in the USA anyway but know that accent can be effective. I saw a woman last night on one of the court shows admitting that she gets advice from psychics and was told she would win her case. I wonder if she will get a refund.
Unknown1,,,,, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

I didn't know rather to crindge or laugh on that one! I DESPISE that line.

to the person with the marching Grambling pic:
yeah, I know,,, but there is something that initially grabs my attention simply because the mug is black,,, but then when I observe the pitch and how ridiculous the premis is, it makes me sick.

I think what really does it is that the commercial are so relentless and start up at 10:00pm like clockwork and she's trying to sound so authoritative and commanding like she's some kind of black voo-doo version of "Dr. Lara" Shlesinger or something.

Yes the commercials with the starving kids are bad also and unfortunately a fine line between true concern and exploitation of people for money. This Ms Cleo is simply a charlitan and it is beyond me how and why people actually buy into her gimmick!
What I hate most about the commercials is that they are always on BET...I hate how they pinpoint the black folks to try & use.
Not Just BET!

Brave, not only is this crap on BET,,, the place I ran across it was on THE WEATHER CHANNEL!!!!

How and what demographic are these folks going after on THE WEATHER CHANNEL?! I think this was another reason this really got my attention. I couldn't believe this type crap was on The Weather Channel! Unbelievable!:kaioken:

Couldn't have said it better myself ...These folks better call on Jesus for some help...:goodbad: :goodbad: