A Woman Should Have:

Seeing Spots

Joyful Woman!
...one old love
she can imagine
going back to...
and one who reminds
her how far she has come...

...enough money within her
control to move out and
rent a place of her own
even if she never wants
to or needs to...

..something perfect to wear
if the employer or date of her dreams
wants to see her in an hour...

...a youth she's content
to leave behind...
...a past juicy enough that
she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age...

...a set of screwdrivers, a
cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...

..one friend who always makes
her laugh... and one who lets
her cry...

...a good piece of furniture
not previously owned by
anyone else in her family...

...eight matching plates,
and a recipe for a meal that
will make her guests feel honored..

..a feeling of control over
her destiny...

..how to fall in love without
losing herself...

...how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend
without ruining the

...when to try harder... and
when to walk away...

...that she can't change the
length of her calves, the
width of her hips, or the nature of
her parents...

...that her childhood may not
have been perfect...but its

...what she would and
wouldn't do for love or more...

...how to live alone... even if
she doesn't like it...

...whom she can trust, whom she
can't, and why she shouldn't
take it personally...

..where to go... be it to her
best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

..what she can and can't
accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Whate every woman needs is to know the 5C's.

Conceive &
Close Your Dayum Mouth!

You people learn these and the rest will be smooth sailing!
Originally posted by Suge
Whate every woman needs is to know the 5C's.

Conceive &
Close Your Dayum Mouth!

You people learn these and the rest will be smooth sailing!

The Prez has spoken again!
Originally posted by Suge
Whate every woman needs is to know the 5C's.

Conceive &
Close Your Dayum Mouth!

You people learn these and the rest will be smooth sailing!

Hey Suge,

Those Cs sound pretty good. I can tell you aren't married, but sounds like you are a good catch because no where on that list is the dreaded Work. I think you have all those problems with younger women who graduate and then go on to professional schools and grad programs and then jump into the corporate world and become income producing and forget their "real" place in life. They are smart, intelligent, powerful and obessessed with professional success at the expense of personal success.

But when they leave the office in those expensive cars and drive to those beautiful, tastefully decorated houses, they are alone. But whoa, here's the kicker...as they grow older they get lonely and they realize that the money, traisping over Africa and Europe, wearing the finest clothes, staying the weekend in that suite at the LePaplion every Bayou Classic and everything else she does and achieved means nothing.

She wants nothing more than a good man and she can submit that resignation, bring her azz home to him and EVERYDAY Cook, Clean, Copulate, Conceive & Close our Dayum Mouth!

After years of taking care of everything and everybody else, she can be taken care of emotionally, financially, physically by her man. No more worries, no more decisions, no more bosses, no more colleagues, no more employees, no bills; JUST STFU and everything you want and need taken care of...and what a blessing to add one more C:

CRUISE on the Love Boat! Life as a submissive wife sounds delicious to me! Especially with a cutie like you. I know a couple of women with long, bouncy hair that are ready to sign up!

Mr. Pres-o-dent, we know the error of our ways!
There it is SS....I wish more women I know had your attitude! Then maybe I could hurry up and wife one of these broads and drop my seed so that I can start producing my Offensive tackles.

But let me clarify one thing first......I don't mind a woman who works and has a job and is career minded. I can live with that. I just need to make sure that she knows that her career is not priority #1. I will be. And as long as that is the case, then I will break my arse for her. But you can't get these super feminist, Oprah watching, I don't need a man, 25-35 year old women to understand that. They act like the stove is a ticket to hell. But I won't go there......well not right now.

But in the mean time......tell the long, bouncy headed ladies that I am on the prowl. I am taking applications.......

And yes they can get some Cruises.......foot rubbings, hair washings, back rubs, and.....well you get the picture! :D
Originally posted by Suge
let me clarify one thing first......I don't mind a woman who works and has a job and is career minded. I can live with that. I just need to make sure that she knows that her career is not priority #1. I will be. And as long as that is the case, then I will break my arse for her. But you can't get these super feminist, Oprah watching, I don't need a man, 25-35 year old women to understand that. They act like the stove is a ticket to hell. But I won't go there......well not right now.

Well Suge, actually you didn't invent the concept of a submissive wife. That prototype is well laid out in Ephesians...Wives be submissive to your husbands...

It is easy to be submissive to a man that is RIGHT. And that is the part most guys miss. A man must love his wife and she must be his priority. The scriptures clearly spell out ALL of his responsibilities in the relationship. If he is right, then being submissive is a JOY! It is much more difficult to stand up and be the head of the home and the family than it is to follow his glory!

So he must not be physically abusive or mentally cruel to her or the children, can't be out there sexing other women, having affairs, can't be spending money on drugs, gambling. He has to be fully committed to the marriage and the family and the home and he must be supportive of his wife emotionally, physically (lots of sex), financially, and spiritually.

You must be a splendid Black man.
Umm yes SS.........I am splendid! And pretty dayum cute too!

Basically, I'm a catch! :D But I'm not one to toot my own horn!
Blacknbengal I just noticed your JSU Mafia picture with all of the mafia members names on it. That's pretty tight!!!!

Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
Blacknbengal I just noticed your JSU Mafia picture with all of the mafia members names on it. That's pretty tight!!!!

Nupe, I heard the individual that designed that Sig was a true paragon of virtue and role model to all.......

:D :D :D