5 ways to find incredible Amazon deals from Warehouse to coupons and rebates

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

For shoppers, Amazon is the ultimate rabbit hole. You can search for one item, but then you see another item and another, and soon you're careening through a maze of products and deals. All you wanted was a new robe, and 10 minutes later you’re wondering if there’s enough room in the pantry for a fondue warmer.

You could shop on Amazon for years without discovering special bargains and price cuts. Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer, so it shouldn’t be surprising that there’s a universe of tips and tricks for saving money.

And on rare occasion, Amazon may even give you free stuff with their Samples Program.

How do you find these fantastical price drops? And what do you need to do to secure them? Here are five ways to unearth incredible deals on Amazon.

1. Shop the Amazon Warehouse and Outlet
Some of us like to browse. We prefer used bookstores, vintage clothing shops and second-hand furniture stores. Amazon Warehouse is just that kind of place. Here you’ll find returned and lightly used products that are still functional but don’t qualify as "new."