20NOLA02 Reunion Photo Gallery


First, I want to say I am thankful that everyone traveled safely to and from New Orleans. I know I had a wonderful time. There was good ol' fashioned smack, great food, and wonderful fellowship. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends.

For those that missed 20NOLA02, you truly missed a great relaxing weekend. You'll never understand what “signing a coconut” means, “fading into Bolivia”, or witness Mighty Dog setting fire to a microwave, but's that's OK. ;)

To BgJag and D-NICE, I want to commend you on your hardwork and steadfast dedication to make the 3rd Annual TSPN Reunion the success it was! Thanks! :)


Now on the the pics ... :D

<a href="http://www.swacpage.net/nola1.htm" onClick="NewWindow(this.href,'','450','360','no','center');return false" onFocus="this.blur()">3rd Annual TSPN Reunion - 20NOLA02</a>

I will pass....

I never did like summer school...

Great pics, as usual...
Great Pics "T" ...

Dang, Lewis and Robber really do look alike!!!

Looks like everyone had a great time. Hope to see you guys during football season!

LMAO @ Mighty Dog's enrollment form !!!

Great Pics !!!

*looking at the smallish glasses from Pat O's*

good job!

Great photography, Tara! :cool:

It's good to see that y'all held it down once again. I'm glad that everything turned out okay.

*thinking that I can realistically go to the next one as long as it's NOT on the weekends of June 7th or June 14th....*
Originally posted by unknown1
*looking at D TOWN.......* :p

Mayun......who you telling? :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Gurl you so fine and tasty i'd drink yo bath water! You got a man? If not, can I be yo man? If i had a biscuit and some gravy, the things i'd do to you gurl. LA face wit an oak-town booty!