Texas Southern vs Florida A&M: Game Updates - 11:00am CST

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now the quesion is, is this just a txso problem or does this show the strength of the conference to be 0. will they step back in the swac and play like world beaters? will anyone in the swac (other than gram...maybe) win a nonconference game against a fcs opponent?
Please smh. Some of us will stomp ooc.
See that's how you know prayer works. Some of y'all back in Houston while you were praying about these floods, and donald trump, snuck in a little, "and please don't let us get shut out @ famu"

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First thing first, the Rattlers came out and controlled the game...didn't do too much, but played solid football.

I was pleased with the variety of running backs we tossed at TxSU today...our running game has routinely been one of the worst in FCS, and today we saw Bowers get some good looking runs along with newcomers Henrilus and Ray.

Our defense played a heck of a game...we put pressure on Christophe(dropped about 3 or 4 INTs) and contained their running game. We did lose one of our defensive leaders in the second half, however.

TxSU just looks really young and undisciplined today...they will get better. However, this was the first time in a long time that I saw a FAMU football team really push around another squad...and it felt great.
Damn. I am glad I forgot to make my pick. Lol.

Be patient sTu. Haywood still has time to do what he knows how to do. Props to FAMU as well. The Rattlers looked impressive and their QB has some snap.
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