The 10 Worst Drinks Black People Ever Thought It Was Cool To Drink

That was the gateway drink in the club. Dude is man over the age of 23 should be ordering an amaretto sour.
Lets be real LS. No man should be ordering that drink period. We were wrong back in the day and lets help the next generation learn from our mistakes.

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Who the hell drinks moscato? That isht ain't real wine.

The power of hip hop. I heard them shouting it out in a lot of songs around 2010-2012 (typical cycle of a fad) and I didn't know what it was. When I found out you can buy it from Walmart for under $10, I was like "Really?" lol.
Yeah, moscatto is more of a wine to be had with desserts or fruit, it doesn't go with main courses in a traditional sense. But the average Black person isn't a refined wine connoisseur (sp?)....they just enjoy the sweet taste of it.

Also, once you buy it, you have to pretty much hurry up and drink it. I actually had a bottle of unopened Moscatto to turn brown like maple syrup after about 3 years.
Never drank any of that stuff due to seeing all of my uncles become winos from it. I did the hypnotiq thing basically because it was pretty much always the drink special at the bar the short time that it was popular.
I remember my freshmen year at AAMU... we use to drive 10 minutes to Tennessee and buy cases of 40 oz St Ides special Brew... bring them back to school and make GOOD money selling them lol.... (its against the law the sell 40s in Alabama)
Yeah, moscatto is more of a wine to be had with desserts or fruit, it doesn't go with main courses in a traditional sense. But the average Black person isn't a refined wine connoisseur (sp?)....they just enjoy the sweet taste of it.

They enjoy it because they saw the shyt on TV.
I am a Merlot brother personally. I really don't rock with the sweets. My wife likes Riesling and I can't stand it.
Well, I don't drink and never really have but I've seen Everclear and Wild Irish Rose mess quite a few people up. Also now that I am older and more health conscious, I realize now that koolaid (as far as non-alcoholic drinks) and sugary sodas (remember Tahitian Fruit Punch) are slow suicides.
That was the gateway drink in the club. Dude is man over the age of 23 should be ordering an amaretto sour.

I got a homeboy that still gets those in the club...and he's 27. We've been telling him to stop ordering that joint for the past 5 years.
Well, I don't drink and never really have but I've seen Everclear and Wild Irish Rose mess quite a few people up. Also now that I am older and more health conscious, I realize now that koolaid (as far as non-alcoholic drinks) and sugary sodas (remember Tahitian Fruit Punch) are slow suicides.

If you can literally drive your car with something you are supposed to drink, I wouldn't drink it. If you have to "handle with care" then no lol. If someone is going to drink grain alcohol, you might as well drink straight moonshine.

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I got a homeboy that still gets those in the club...and he's 27. We've been telling him to stop ordering that joint for the past 5 years.

LMAO! One of my LB's ordered one in a club several years ago. The female bar tender told him, "No" and made him order something else.
Lets be real LS. No man should be ordering that drink period. We were wrong back in the day and lets help the next generation learn from our mistakes.

Nah I wouldn't call it a Man Law Violation if you're between 18 and 22. It's a good way to gauge your limit in a responsible've gotta learn what you can handle. After ordering it once or twice, you should realize it's a waste of money. But if it does give you a buzz, then that's the Good Lord's way of telling you you shouldn't be drinking at all.
"Get down, get down. Pull your panties down. All I wanna do it to umph, umph in you".

This is what you young cats should be singing. Instead y'all at the bar looking at what dudes ordering for drinks. When you should be watching what the women ordering to sing that verse. It ain't hard young cats!
If it's sweet I don't want it...Hennessey VSOP used to be our drink can't stand to smell it now...Stayed away from all the fad drinks. Wishey Sour and amaretto sour back in like 98...LOL Merlot, Pinot for me...
The power of hip hop. I heard them shouting it out in a lot of songs around 2010-2012 (typical cycle of a fad) and I didn't know what it was. When I found out you can buy it from Walmart for under $10, I was like "Really?" lol.
I've seen $200 bottles of Moscato before. It is a TYPE of wine, not a brand. LOL
Hmmm, I disagree with him that "Hennessy doesn't taste good." Different people have different taste buds. Any who, I agree with just about everything else.

I don't agree with that either. I don't think many things taste better than Hennessy... but I brought some to a party once and this lady said it tasted like cough syrup...
I have never had half of the stuff on that list. My first drink ever was forced.. yes, forced. My high school frat brothers held me down in the back of a car and just poured straight gin down my throat.. LOL When I was young, I drank the cheap stuff, E&J, Seagram's Gin, MD 20/20. I later graduated to Crown Royal (that was my preferred drink to sneak into JSU football games) and you can't pledge Kappa or even wanna pledge Kappa without a heavy dose of Everclear. I recall most shot games we played were with with that liquor with the gold chips in it or we made flaming Dr. Peppers. When I got to Georgia Tech I went with Hennessy and that remains my favorite drink... I also started drinking Merlot around the same time. NOW.. I love me some Henn but it gives me a headache.. so now I do rum (preferably) or vokda in the form of mixed beyotch drinks.. LOL Give me some Barcadi Limon, Bacardi Apple or some Coconut Rum and some mixers (pineapple juice, cranapple juice, and OJ) and I'm set. I always keep a bottle of Henn on hand but I am not one bit embarrassed about ordering a beyotch drink.. LOL

Beer.. always hated the stuff. I never acquired the taste... but I would throw a few back if I was already over the legal limit and I just wanted another drink. I don't drink a lot now and my bladder knows it. One night I went out drinking in Philly and I had to pull over FIVE times on my way home to piss.. Last weekend, I drove to Tampa,had a few drinks and I had to pull over TWICE on the way back to Orlando and that's just an hour drive. My time has certainly passed. I even keep red cups in the car.. "just in case".. LOL I always tell my friends that on day one, I can't drink shat. My body and bladder is like a 90 year old man... but by night #2, I'm the man I used to be and I can hang with the best of em when I build my tolerance back up.. but at this point in my life, Day 2 is rare. VERY rare.
TP, I have gotten like that lately as well. Red Wine doesn't have that impact though so I stick to it.