You can roast P88...right hur


Lets see..hmmm

C-LeB said P88 was bipolar lol
DCG said P88 was dumb & ignorant lol
Some anti-P88 PV ppl said P88 was a dumbass and a traitor lol

That should be enough to kickstart everyone, let'er rip! Don't hold back, I have tough skin :D lol (& i'm seeking a good lol)
That's a damn shame what you did with that white girl...How you gonna give her 97 seconds, and only 48 seconds for our beautiful Kikiyu maidens?

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"FvCK you Panthro!!!!!" - anonymous PV poster's response after I warned & taunted about PV being overmatched vs bcc lol :argue:
"why the fock you post in here??!!!!!!" - another anonymous PV poster in response to P88 saying that 90+% of athletic staff @ PV needs to be fired immediately.
Poor...P88... but I understand after seeing your statement from 30 years ago

Fugg that Panthro you are too hard on yourself. You need to take yoga. You can sit in the back of class and look at this all day.


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Originally Posted by In_The_662
OK Mr. So Called "Superior" Intellect .

Mr. Super Brain. That quote applies to you. Going back and forth with you would be pointless so I won't waste my font. Like I told you before, when you can work on not belittling your own school then come holler at me but your silly pride and hurt feelings won't allow that.

Your type (along with a lot of the JSU posters on here) make me sick to my stomach.

My "type" is something you should feel privileged would even grace to be in your presence. We have to dumb ourselves down in order to communicate w/ you people. It's okay son. I know you were one of those "open-enrollment" people. Did you even test w/ SAT/ACT? Bigger question... did you even graduate from your precious lil' "hbcu" smaller than my old high school? lol Also, you cannot even begin to THINK you're anywhere close to summa cum level to even THINK you could go "back and forth." Little boy, I've been mentally trouncing dumb ass people like you for a loooooooooooooong time, regardless of ethnicity. I gives ZERO respect and you certainly won't get a pass from moi just because you're "black."

I feel like a college grad speaking w/ an elementary-level 3rd grader right about now. Go hold hands w/ one of these other ne.groes and sing kum-bah-yah. I'm not that type of black person who holds hands w/ anyone, ever.

The thread got closed but this shyt right here...killed it!! :emlaugh: :lmao: :lmao:

Daymn Panthro!!
I prolly shouldn've said that but he than ran me hotter than fish grease, although I wouldn't let him know it. I get slightly offended when someone questions my intellect, considering all that's occurred in this past life. lol

ss, you and SUJF gonna' be shoveling fire and brimstone w/ me for lol'ing @ that-------------> "Summa Cum, bitch!!!!!" :emlaugh: :lol: :lmao: :emlaugh: :lol: :lmao:

Don't worry about it, bruh. I probably shouldn't have said 80% of the stuff I've said on this board.

but truth be told, what you're saying is 100% accurate though lololololololololololol damned if they can't handle the truth :emlaugh:

let me stop i'm lol'ing my ass off right about now lol