Rumor Mill: More Teams Leaving the MEAC?

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With all due respect, I question this point about the 3.61 GPA for incoming students. I will do my own research and get back with you.

  • Average GPA: 3.561 (weighted)
  • Average SAT: 1,053 (Evidence-Based Reading/Writing and Math)
  • Average ACT: 20 (composite)
* The profile provided above is our average profile. Students may be admitted to the University with a higher or lower profile.

No self respecting university will subject itself to long term dysfunction and unsustainability it's conference peers are comfortable conforming themselves to. If it's hot, turn the damn air on. If something is broken, fix it.

As I say this, what is the latest with the SWAC's media deal with ESPN? Can we expect it to improve or are member schools still afraid of "losing the gate" which has been the default excuse for shunning more TV/streamed games in the past?

IMO, increased ESPN streams in FB, MBB & WBB should have been a focus before the pandemic and should be exponentially post-pandemic.

Bruh NCA&T is a public school RAN like a private school..... They are on a different level from the rest of our public schools.... they dont have to sacrifice quanitity for quality. Average high school GPA for incoming students is a 3.61.... I dont see anything dropping off in the future.. there is new construction on every corner of their campus.
I can't be sure A&T is run any better than other black public or private schools. The difference could be that it is much better funded by North Carolina than the State of Alabama funds A&M or State. NC gives $102 million in state appropriations to A&T. Compare that to the $39 million or $37 million Alabama gives to A&M and State, respectively. That difference in amount of funding makes a lot of difference over a long period of time. I am sure that most of the schools in the SWAC do not receive state funding anywhere near the level of A&T.
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I can't be sure A&T is run any better than other black public or private schools. The difference could be that it is much better funded by North Carolina than the State of Alabama funds A&M or State. NC gives $102 million in state appropriations to A&T. Compare that to the $39 million or $37 million Alabama gives to A&M and State, respectively. That difference in amount of funding makes a lot of difference over a long period of time. I am sure that most of the schools in the SWAC do not receive state funding anywhere near the level of A&T.

Hell no lol. We know that if Alcorn wasn't a land grant institution they would have been tried to shut them down like they've been trying to shut down Valley with the budget cuts.
I can't be sure A&T is run any better than other black public or private schools. The difference could be that it is much better funded by North Carolina than the State of Alabama funds A&M or State. NC gives $102 million in state appropriations to A&T. Compare that to the $39 million or $37 million Alabama gives to A&M and State, respectively. That difference in amount of funding makes a lot of difference over a long period of time. I am sure that most of the schools in the SWAC do not receive state funding anywhere near the level of A&T.

What's the difference between the appropriation per student at A&M/State and A&T?

That $102M vs $40M looks like a huge difference but A&T has over 12,000 students.
What's the difference between the appropriation per student at A&M/State and A&T?

That $102M vs $40M looks like a huge difference but A&T has over 12,000 students.

A&T list its appropriation per student as $12,182; A&M has a little over 6,100 students and the per student appropriation is approx. $6,700.
That would put A&Ts state appropriation at nearly $150 Million.

They list the appropriations as 102M and the per student average as 12,000. I used their numbers. The appropriations may refer to state students only and exclude out of state or international students.

"In the year ended June 30, 2019, North Carolina A&T State University received approximately $102 million in appropriations from the North Carolina General Assembly, providing an additional $12,182 towards the total cost of education for each resident student."

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They list the appropriations as 102M and the per student average as 12,000. I used their numbers. The appropriations may refer to state students only and exclude out of state or international students.

"In the year ended June 30, 2019, North Carolina A&T State University received approximately $102 million in appropriations from the North Carolina General Assembly, providing an additional $12,182 towards the total cost of education for each resident student."

$102M divided by 12,142 students = $8,400 per head.

$45M divided by 6,106 students = $7,369 per head

The conversation about state funding is far too complex for a simple division equation.

I will just say this. A&T charges on average around three grand less than AAMU for in state tuition and one grand less in housing. That is a comparison point that shows the direct effect of state funding and as a result an increase in enrollment. It then has a secondary effect on out of state applications but that’s more complex to show the correlation.
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I'm not in this conversation but let's not fool ourselves. North Carolina is a progressive state that funds education way better than Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. All of the deep south states had to sue for the little funding they receive now. Decades of under funding has lead to many problems and the ones we have today. Let's not act like we aren't behind because of this.
But A&T is even funded wayyy more (from the state) than NCCU... and this was even before the enrollment boom.
I'm glad you posted that. Black people under 45 either ignore the Regan era or have no idea the catastrophic things Regan did. Regan was a true devil. He hated black people. The only difference between what Trump is trying to do and what Regan actually did is Regan wasn't ignorant like Trump and spewed it out his mouth. He did in bills that will have consequences on minorities until 2050 and beyond.
That isn’t how funding works.

This is not about funding formulas. It is more about the difference in the amount of aid a state gives its higher ed institutions. We just discussed it in terms of amount per student for comparison purposes.

The conversation about state funding is far too complex for a simple division equation.

I will just say this. A&T charges on average around three grand less than AAMU for in state tuition and one grand less in housing.

The yearly appropriation does not tell the whole story about support from the state. There are many different additional ways support can be given. For example, A&T probably received far more capital funds to establish and improve programs such as engineering, agriculture, science and business. When the state established the engineering program at A&M, it gave us just enough to start it. It was not funded at a level to make it top notch. In addition, state often issue bonds to raise money to give additional funds to colleges. NC has probably been more generous in allocating more capital funds to A&T through the UNC system. Alabama just voted to issue $1.2 b in bonds to fund education, with $248 m going to four-year colleges. A&M and State will each probably get only around $12 m of that. A&M and State are not funded at the level to have the quality of programs that A&T has.
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What a very interesting conversation. I do wish we didn't use "Butter Biscuits" in a negative way because recently learned how to make biscuits from scratch with White Lily flour. Man, those biscuits are divine.
well I know thats not true in Alabama... the board just voted to add an event center fee for every student to pay.... the students didnt vote on it... they didnt even know anything about the event center (this vote was last year).

I agree man. My niece is going to AT&T this fall. I had to make some calls to try to get her a scholarship and those people act like they dont give them out like Morehouse and Spelman. They sent me to webpage with like 1000 scholarships and told us to apply for all of em we qualify for... LOL They have a strange way of issuing scholarships and its hard as hell to get a full ride plus they have high out of state tuition. They dont have GENERAL scholarships so you cant make i.e. a 24 on the ACT and have a 3.8 GPA and KNOW you will get at least a partial scholarship. It took me about 5 phone calls to understand that mess they have going on. Then they send you to departments. That is where the actually got the scholarship offer from but even when I called them, they were CLUELESS. Yet, my niece still wants to attend when she can get a free ride elsewhere. FAMU was similar. I hope JSU never goes to that model. Its hard for first generation students to understand that system. It was hard for me to understand.
Louisiana definitely can do a better job in funding its higher education, but it would require a massive overhaul on the way the state does business. No way Louisiana should grant all those tax breaks and subsidies to big corporations, especially those in the oil and gas industries. Louisiana should make those subsidized companies put more back into its economy, which is how it should be determined on which companies get subsidized and how much.

Louisiana ass backward ways of doing business have made big corporations richer and its people poorer.

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