Pic Smack? Northern Iowa's Family Album: Snapshots From Trailerville


New Member
Been diggin' thru ma stuff and came across my family photo album which I thot my new friends in the SWAC might enjoy. Kick back, take yer shoes off and spend a day in the life of Northern Iowa...

Now this here is me 'n' ma wife, Trudy Lynn. Trudy's fertile as a pig and horny as a toad and with child (again) as you can see. Our baby will be the 22nd born in the trailer park this month! That's ma huntin' dog, Big Nuts. He don't like Jehovah's Widnesses, po-lice cars, or "SWAC" people. ;)

And this here is seven months later with our fifth daughter, Carleen Lu. Looks jes like Pa, don't she? Had to put ol Big Nuts down cuz he was always tryin' to mount her through her diaper

This here was Trudy Lynn 'n' me's first trailer home, jes outside of Bowlin' Green Kentucky. Our first six kids was born there. We lived there two years. Lotsa happy memories of searchin the junkyard for food and dishes. One summer, all the kids got rickets and we found where they was dumpin' oranges from the Piggly Wiggly. Cured 'em all.

Now this here is Trudy's Pa, Dirk. He's also her uncle and brother, too. Just like ma old dog, Big Nuts, he don't cotton to the Jehovah's, Democrats, Social Services folk or melanin-enhanced people. He played football for one year at Kentucky State but did not hink it was proper to be showerin' with the other races.

This here is ma cuzzin', Travis Beau. He is in the army. He says he likes to be around all the "SWAC" people in the service. Says the world is one big meltin' pot and we should all be happy about that. Pa says he's been brainwashed by the al-Qaida or the Jews. Pa ain't no man of the millenium.....

This is ma brother, Darrell. He's doing time in the county pokey for hangin' around playgrounds with his hands in his pants. Told the po-lice he was jest scratchin'. He wants to be a priest.

This is my Ma, Miss Jeanie Belle. She's helpin' me get the car started so's I can git down to the welfare office, pick up her check, then get her cigarettes, Old Milwaukee and lottery tickets. Makes a mean tuna casserole with fish from down the power plant. She's not quite the redneck Pa is, she likes Oprah and thinks that Halle Berry is a good lookin' young black girl. Has been on Jerry Springer four times, more than any other person in Morgan County, Kintucky!

This here is a picture of Ma and Pa years ago at ma sister Darlene's wedding, before Pa's alcoholism and tuberculosis kicked in. Ma was voted Most Likely to Marry a Doctor by her classmates at George Wallace High School in Birmingham. She didn't. Got drunk on MD 20/20 on her 14th birthday and had me at Christmastime.

This is my other brother Darrell. He's got some issues.

This is my sister Darlene's husband, Bobby Jack. He runs the softball toss at county fairs throughout Kintucky. Savin' up for a downpayment on a trailer. In eleven years, he's got $450!

This ma oldest son, Red. He likes Dungeons and Dragons. He's been off school for a while after they found a hitlist scribbled on his History book. Me and Trudy were at the top of the list. He's a good boy, though. He rides motocross and grows marijuana behind the trailer.

Hope you enjoyed some of Northern Iowa's private photos. Life as a redneck can be tuff, but if I had to do it all over again,
I'da went to community college. Probably Jackson State.


:D :D :D :D

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Sorry, one of our fellow smackers tells me these may not have shown up for you all. I'll try to repost them later.

Computer Whiz (?)
Originally posted by Northern Iowa
Sorry, one of our fellow smackers tells me these may not have shown up for you all. I'll try to repost them later.

Computer Whiz (?)

You can't post from your harddrive, they need to be hosted somewhere.