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LOL! Boy you ain't changed one bit. lol :emlaugh:

I wanna' do Part Deux of this sermon entitled: <b>When A 'Niter' is Synonymous w/ a Knife</b> :rolleyes:


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Uh, I have NEVER, EVER cut anyone!

*swang a mighty bat, and got dead eye aim with some mace, tho'*
Vinita said:
Uh, I have NEVER, EVER cut anyone!

VERBALLY gul!!!! VERBALLY!!! :mad: A many a human being done laid :dead: when you went on the verbal rampage. :eek: lol

I'mma hafta' tourch you in a 'special' way in order for you to ack right! :mad: Holy water, prayer cloth, fasting, and meditation are a great start! :mad:

The BEST thing that could happen FOR YOU this evening is for Sperm to call you in a few and demand: <b>Look'a hur woman! :slap: I want some smothered chicken and rice for dinner!!! :mad: And it'd BETTA' be in my plate waitin' on me as you bring me the remote control and my plate.... w/ some home made ice tea! :slap:</b>
:p lol
If the fish sticks and fries the kids are getting ain't good enough for your good buddy, he can traipse up north and eat at YO HOUSE! :tup:

Now, stop evading the damned issue!

Is a scrimma goat a freak? Is a scrimma goat attractive? :confused:
Vinita said:
If the fish sticks and fries the kids are getting ain't good enough for your good buddy, he can traipse up north and eat at YO HOUSE! :tup:

Now, stop evading the damned issue!

Is a scrimma goat a freak? Is a scrimma goat attractive? :confused:

LOL@fish sticks and fries. Can't do no better here because it's <b>Taco Hell</b> for us tonight. U know I don't cook on Fridays gul. lol

Now, back to you! :slap:

What is itttttttttttt????
*beginning to perspire one mo' gin*
<b>SCRIMMA GOAT.......</b>
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm scrimmmaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmm scrimma! scrimma! scrimma!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

*reaching out to tourch NITER on the forehead and make her pass out ~snicker~*
~~~The sweaty 'Deac' O'Malley stands and proclaims~~~

Tuhdey's sermon has come from da book of Lott, Chaptuh 42, versus.......uh........arrrrahh..... ALL dem versus in dat Chaptuh......

May derre be a blessin on the readuh, and the hearuh, and da heared.....


~~~'Deac' sits back down~~~

Taylor-Made'90 said:
Tell her NEXT THURSDAY, P-Mayne!!!!!!


DYING LMAO @ what'chew posted up dur DEAC!!!!!! :emlaugh: :bawling: :emlaugh:

Trip thing is I can actually almost hear a DEAC saying that. lol :emlaugh: :nod2:

I can't save NITER this evening... this week. Upon the recommendation from T-Made, my <b>official</b> TSPN advisor, I'mma hafta defer you to either he or brotha' BengalE. ~snicker~ :eek: :lmao: lol
BandFan said:
IM still Lost.

I wanna know what ROO is?????

BENGALE!!!!! Where U @ mane?! :confused:

<embed src="" hidden=true autostart=true volume=5 starttime="00:01" endtime="00:07" controller=false>
Just like some "folks" on Sunday....all that huffing, sweating, puffing, & moaning and you still don't know what in the hell they were talking 'bout. :lmao:

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Panthro, let me suggest that you expose the Scrimma Goat at the 2nd Annual A&M Universities football game. This would be the best half time show since Janet Jackson was canned.

If you cannot wait why not a private showing of the DVD for all those who are coming to the Reunion.
MikeBigg said:
Deacon Bigg wakes up and looks for the scrimma goat.
Just hearing the word freak woke you up huh? :lol:

*leaves Deaconess section to slap MikeBigg upside the head*

Wipe the slob from your lip *****! :rolleyes: You can't do a dayum thang with a freak or a scrimma goat no mo! :rolleyes: :kaioken:

Naw Rev. P~ DIDN'T pull out the sacred Harbrace, 1984 edition!?? :eek: :lmao:

*fell out* :emlaugh:
And, to THIS VERY DAY, we still do NOT know what a Scrimma Goat is! :shame:

Do it be a freak? Are it a prude?
Is it cute? Ugly? Smart? Dumb? Tall? Short?


~lil John~
Don't know what the fugg a scrimma goat is...but it sure sounds like she was bit or hit by something with that high pitched squeal at the beginning... :scared:

Fortitude said:
It sure is! Maybe that scrimma goat bit her in the buttocks. :retard:
SLT said:
Holding my finger up to go to the bathroom before the doors open.

SAT DOWN!!!! :mad: Deacon TM 'bout top open up the doors.... :D

Ol' girl lost it in the first 2-3 seconds didn't she? She <b>sounds</b> like a <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font>. :confused: But, she could also could have been <b>bitten</b> by a <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font>. I'm sure the congregation was <b>looking</b> like a <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font>. Me myself, I would've been <b>hotter</b> than a <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font>.


A <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font> knows no boundaries, number, gender, ...


*moaning* hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <font color=red>SCRIMMA GOAT</font>....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm scrimma! scrimma! scrimmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I don't know 'bout chall, but SRIMMA GOAT is a part of my everyday conversation EVERY DAY...

Mad as a scrimma goat
Hungry as a scrimma goat
Happy as a scrimma goat
Horny as a scrimma goat...oops, wait, I don't say that, that gets said to me! :D
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