Ann Coulter's new book!!! If this aint some S_d schit!!!


The Future of Omega!!!!

NEW YORK (AP) — The group of outspoken 9/11 widows who pushed for the commission to investigate the attacks are "self-obsessed" and act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them," conservative author Ann Coulter charges in her new book.
Coulter appeared on NBC's Today show on Tuesday, marking the release of Godless: The Church of Liberalism, and reiterated her stance, saying the women used their grief "to make a political point."

HILLARY STRIKES BACK: Calls Coulter's remarks 'vicious, mean-spirited.'

In her book, Coulter said, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

The women are Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza of New Jersey. Coulter refers to them as the "Witches of East Brunswick," the New Jersey town where two of them live.

"Having my husband burn alive in a building brought me no joy," Van Auken told the Daily News in Wednesday's editions in response to Coulter.

"She sounds like a very disturbed, unraveled person," Breitweiser said.


This b@tch should be ashamed. How are you just gonna dog out widows of men that died in 911. This chick has no shame, and at the same time making money hand over fist with this new book of hers.

I hope Clinton chokes that HOe!!!!!
Don't blame her...blame the folks buying the books...hell you got folks who ran out and bought it when they found it had something negative in it about them...

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She is very inflamatory. I agree with some of her points, but she turns people off in the way she says things.
I agree. Replace the widows of 911 with the "victims" of Hurricane Katrina and you'd get the same results.

Killer Bees said:
She is very inflamatory. I agree with some of her points, but she turns people off in the way she says things.
Killer Bees said:
She is very inflamatory. I agree with some of her points, but she turns people off in the way she says things.

Which is why she is RICH now.

There will alway's be big money paid to loudmouth blowheart's like this.....................SEE RUSH LIMBAUGH.:look:
She's is no more than one of King, Emporer, Dicactor Bush's mouth pieces, and a STUPID ONE AT THAT! :nod2: :nod2: :nod2:

They have gotten to the point that you are not allowed to say anything in this so called democracy unless it is postive about dicactor Bush. :nod2:
One of these days I think that Ann Coulter will be in an insane asylum. I am not joking. She is proof that one can say silly things and get rich by doing it.

SONNY said:

NEW YORK (AP) .....

HILLARY STRIKES BACK: Calls Coulter's remarks 'vicious, mean-spirited.'

In her book, Coulter said, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

The women are Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza of New Jersey. Coulter refers to them as the "Witches of East Brunswick," the New Jersey town where two of them live.

"Having my husband burn alive in a building brought me no joy," Van Auken told the Daily News in Wednesday's editions in response to Coulter.

"She sounds like a very disturbed, unraveled person," Breitweiser said.


This b@tch should be ashamed. How are you just gonna dog out widows of men that died in 911. This chick has no shame, and at the same time making money hand over fist with this new book of hers.

I hope Clinton chokes that HOe!!!!!

She has no shame. I expect more of this from her in the future.
EB said:
One of these days I think that Ann Coulter will be in an insane asylum. I am not joking. She is proof that one can say silly things and get rich by doing it.

She has no shame. I expect more of this from her in the future.

She is one crazy heffa!

I think she may have started out posturing as a knowledgable analyst. More recently, she's become nothing but a caricature....making statements that even SHE knows are foolish.
AAMU Alum said:
She is one crazy heffa!

I think she may have started out posturing as a knowledgable analyst. More recently, she's become nothing but a caricature....making statements that even SHE knows are foolish.
She maybe in trouble for this one, the Newscorp's outlets are not responding in a positive manner to her quotes.
Ann Coulter mind is out there where the buses don't run. She is out there where you can't get cable. She is soooooooooo far out there that she can't find her way back.

Coulter will back King, Ditactor, Emporer, Superem Ruler Bush no matter what. You should have seen her on the Hannity & Combs Show with that other IDIOT SHAWN HANNITY! Both are no more that expensive mouth pieces for King, Ruler, Dicactor, Emporer, Supereme Leader Bush. She needs Jesus badly along with Hannity. :retard: :retard: :retard:
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter...............NO DIFFERENCE:upset:

She even had the nerve to call her self a CHRISTIAN on the Hannity and

Colmes show. I would love to see Rev. Al Sharpton take her on one-on-one.
Sean Hannity is a closet RACIST! Has never taken a position on a civil rights

issue other than reversed discrimination. If he has a guest that he is

interviewing that he disagrees with, he cuts them off and ridicules there

opinion. His co-host (Colmes) is much more fair to opposing views.

Ann Coulter is a BIGOT and a B_ _CH!

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JAGWAR said:
Sean Hannity is a closet RACIST! Has never taken a position on a civil rights

issue other than reversed discrimination. If he has a guest that he is

interviewing that he disagrees with, he cuts them off and ridicules there

opinion. His co-host (Colmes) is much more fair to opposing views.

Ann Coulter is a BIGOT and a B_ _CH!

This is true on Hannity and Coulter.
JAGWAR said:
Sean Hannity is a closet RACIST! Has never taken a position on a civil rights

issue other than reversed discrimination. If he has a guest that he is

interviewing that he disagrees with, he cuts them off and ridicules there

opinion. His co-host (Colmes) is much more fair to opposing views.

Ann Coulter is a BIGOT and a B_ _CH!

Amen baby! :bowdown:
Don't forget the other closet racist Michael Savage and Bret Humes of Fox. They along with Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter are worst than the KKK and they need to know who the "REAL JESUS IS!"

Ann Coulter wants no part of Sharpton!
wahines said:
Don't forget the other closet racist Michael Savage and Bret Humes of Fox. They along with Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter are worst than the KKK and they need to know who the "REAL JESUS IS!"

Ann Coulter wants no part of Sharpton!

Micheal Salvage is not closet about nothing. He is a stone cold bigot. I don't see Limbaugh, Hannity, and even Coulter in the same category with Salvage.
I stand to be corrected. Savage is in another zone compared to Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity and Humes.

It is sad to see our media give these racist airtime to promote king, Dicactor Bush and his racist policies.
wahines said:
I stand to be corrected. Savage is in another zone compared to Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity and Humes.

It is sad to see our media give these racist airtime to promote king, Dicactor Bush and his racist policies.

I am not saying they are not, but there is nothing that convince me that Limbaugh, Coulter, or Hannity are racist.

Coulter if anything is elitist in my opinion.
That Hannity is a "neck" in a Brooks Brothers suit. That fool got started right here in Huntsvegas on talk radio back in the early 1990s. I think his local program got some backing from some conservative right wing kooks for syndication. When others of the same ilk heard his craziness being broadcast all over the nation's airwaves, his career took off!

Don't be mistaken. He IS a racist nut, no doubt!
wahines said:
I stand to be corrected. Savage is in another zone compared to Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity and Humes.


I agree with this too. Savage is on another level.
Well, like i have said in many threads, there should be no censorship because who decides WHAT SHOULD BE CENSORED??????? If you censor, it's ALWAYS going to be biased in someone's view.

If the dopes from 911 can get up and run their ridiculous vitriol at Bush about him BEING THE CAUSE OF 911 (and not say one word about those SWORN to inflict death/destruction on the U.S. and its down fall), if every liberal in America can call Bush a stupid moron, then why can't Ann Colter crack back in kind? I think it's great. Bought time the touchy-feely crew get punched in the nose psychologically. Don't give me this morning/sympathy/respect crap either if you are going to come out blasting like Cindy Shehand. (NOTE this is different from those simply grieving over love ones lost in military combat, not running any kind of smack at anybody, and the religious zealots who are against gays make it a point to come to the funeral and protest because of homo soldiers/"don't ask don't tell" military policy. Even with this, i would say, don't make no laws, just be very leaniant if someone in the grieving family gets up and beats the $hi t out of or shoots the indignant protestors even at a national cemetary.) She better be able to take the "REPLIES" (just like replies to posts that are controversial/divisive here on TSPN) if she is going to be "outspoken".

AND,,,, AND,, mind you, i would disagree with Hannity for these past 5+ years when he's so SHOCKED that liberals are now on BUSH'S arse if he so much as forgets to wash his hands before eating because the shoe was on the other foot when Clinton was in office.

If you are going to have freedom of speech, you can't regulate the speech because what you regulate will be different from what someone else regulates and somebody will always be "offended"/"slighted". The only way to squelch all this bullskit is FOR PEOPLE TO GET GOT-DAYUM THICKER SKIN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Now clearly it's just politics by BOTH sides to wine and cry fowl when they are attacked, but DON'T MAKE LAWS TO DO THIS OR THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN POWER AND UNDER ATTACK BECAUSE WHEN YOU ARE OUT OF POWER YOU WILL BE ON THE OTHER END OF THE LAWS PASSED TO LIMIT/REGULATE FREE SPEECH AND THE FREEDOM TO ATTACK!!! THIS IS THE BEAUTY OF AMERICA!!!

Now,, that said,, going back to Colter,,, yo ***** don't/shouldn't get no free pass in dis mug just because your husband/son/daughter/cousin died,, oh but you stepped up unprovoked and ran inflamatory smack in dis mug,, i mean please. what's the saying,,, if you can dish it, you should be able to take it. don't cry fowl when YOU are attacked like you attack someone (like the ladies attacked Bush/rep/cons.), i mean please. you can't have it both ways nor should you be able to in a free society.

I see a free society/freedom of speech like them Texas cage matches (or here on TSPN) in WWF wrestling where it's like 10-12 mugz in the ring/cage and a free-for-all where you don't know who will be coming at you next nor how! There will be cheep shots, legit moves you name it,, you just handle them as they come, you can't cry to the ref that a certain blow was wrong/illegal/not in good spirit while you are in there doing the same thing for pete sake!!!!

i can't sit here on TSPN and say what i want but then demand that people not be able to say what they want. if i'm offended by something on TSPN, then hell i just respond with my opinion,, i don't go whine and demand that certain things/topics be banned for crying out loud,,, (although TSPN has to regulate a free forum for obvious reasons). i would challenge any of you to find a post where I outright demanded something said or some idea be outright banned, or the moderators to find an email from me complaining about something on this forum that I feel is "irresponsible" or "insulting" or "in poor taste" and all that bull. Freedom of opinions (AND THE FREEDOM TO BLAST OPINIONS) I say.