Your smartphone is 7 times dirtier than your toilet. Here's how to clean it

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member
Your smartphone is 7 times dirtier than your toilet. Here's how to clean it .

What's the one item that never leaves your side?

It goes into the bathroom with you. You use it in the kitchen. It often touches your face, your desk and, well, just about any other surface within arm's reach.

It's your smartphone, of course. And the tasks listed above are just some of the reasons it's a breeding ground for germs and a cesspool of bacteria.

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread throughout the world, claiming more than 3,100 deaths, keeping your hands and smartphone clean is critical.

Don't just take our word for it.

Fecal matter can be found on 1 out of every 6 smartphones, according to a 2011 study done by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

"Mobile phones have become veritable reservoirs of pathogens as they touch faces, ears, lips and hands of different users of different health conditions," researchers observed in a 2009 study of bacteria removed from personal calling devices.