Your Next Travel Destination


Staff member
Let's see where everyone is going.....


Go get'em Black'n. Take plaenty of condoms though. lol Too much going on down yonda'.

I canceled a 2-week trip to Honduras in May and a trip to Zuffenheisen (sp), Germany where the IT-GEAs are to be held on 07/20-07/24. It was a prepaid/photo-op deal for the 76 of us world-wide folk across the planet to receive our awards. Nerp, no travel for me no time this year.
Well, I finally got my Passport back in November 2019. Was supposed to go to Vancouver in March for a class. It was cancelled a week in advance. Was hoping to travel to the UK and attend some music events. I've been curious about Martinique. I'm keeping the faith that things will get better eventually. (shrugs)
