You Want Size? Try Allen High School's 638-member Monster Band

And I would still get up at half-time and go the restrooms and concession stand, rather than watch them perform.

There are some bands here in Houston with the same style and orchestra instruments that Allen in using and basically they are boring as Schyatt!!:vomit: Unless I had a child play in one of these bands, I would really care less if they performed or not.........

I've seen them in person twice.

There's no denying that the love of music and marching band is alive and well in North texas.


I hate the fact that the mics. were only picking up a portion of their sound, I bet that if you here it , it will blow your head back with with that good DCI sound. I wonder how much money it takes to feed them and travel if need be, :scared:?! I have never seen a band that big and to see them working together and sounding and looking good speaks volumes for me and I give it a :tup::tup::tup::tup::tup: clap rating, :clap:! I hope that most people take notes.
That just brought back some bad memories from High School. The Catholic League in New Orleans consisted of 5 schools with that corp style.
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That is amazing.

My daughter is in the band at her school. She plays the clarinet and she is in the 6th grade. They just had a band concert and not only did they sound great for a group of kids who only been playing for 4 months, but there were 200 of them.

That's right, the band is made up of 200 sixth graders!