You libs better be glad the nation is not Alabama.


Brand HBCUbian
Just as I was speculating during the rise of Roy Moore, he went to the Ten Commandments issue strickly for political purposes. (well,,,,, that's a bit unfair of me. i really don't know what's in the man's heart,, but still) he used the TC issue to perfection just like Wallace seized on the race issue to propel his political career.

Now the blacklash against the ouster of Roy Moore is taking hold in Alabama. the religious right is hammering away on the ouster of Roy Moore as secularism and liberal courts trying to remove religion from the nation. Many candidates are using the Moore/TC issue to garner votes. that's fine,, but the bigger picture is this could work out perfectly for the religious right in Alabama. The conservatives are stacking the candidates up for judicial seats and the battle cry is the battle for this country is being waged in the courts, so the religious right stands to win all or most of the judgeships in the state of Alabama and retain a republican governor, most likely Roy Moore himself (if he don't run for senate), to further solidify conservative judeo christian candidates on the bench, in the courts who are clones essentially of Roy Moore. The dems/libs, the Southern Poverty Law Center here have stirred up a hornest nest,, and this time ultra-conservative/religious right Alabamians have the "moral high ground" unlike during jim crow, civil rights, the civil war, etc.