Working Moms


New Member
I really want to give props to us working moms. Not putting down women without kids, just wanting to give us props of what we do day in and day out.

I know my day consists of waking up two children, combing hair, ironing clothes, preparing breakfast, driving kids to school, going to work, picking up children from school, doing homework, cooking dinner, making children take a bath and go to bed, When all of that is finished the day starts all over again.

My prayer is that I hope I can be a stay at home mom until my children are old enough to take care of themselves, but my real world tells me that won't be possible, so I make the best of it.

I understand now how my mom did it, but is seems so overwhelming at times, but I really would not give it up because I feel I am scoping my children to be great adults.

Again those of you that are working moms you get props today, because sometimes you may not hear it enough.

So to all working moms from another working mom

Thank you Missy....right back atcha.


Working MOMS may have the added pressure of balancing work and family, but they also have the advantage of knowing work isn't everything.

Peace :)

I have to give you girls a shout out for being a working Mom. I know you girls have it hard sometimes and think that no one cares but I am a man that respects this in a women. It is not easy. May god continue to give you all strength. God made a mother for a reason, because she is special never take your Mom for grantited (sp). Only a strong woman could do this. Much love.:cool:
Originally posted by CEE DOG
I have to give you girls a shout out for being a working Mom. I know you girls have it hard sometimes and think that no one cares but I am a man that respects this in a women. It is not easy. May god continue to give you all strength. God made a mother for a reason, because she is special never take your Mom for grantited (sp). Only a strong woman could do this. Much love.:cool:

Thank you very much Cee Dog, much luv back atcha.
Don't forget the sick babies, projects, and parties!

Originally posted by 89comSUgrad
I really want to give props to us working moms. Not putting down women without kids, just wanting to give us props of what we do day in and day out.

I know my day consists of waking up two children, combing hair, ironing clothes, preparing breakfast, driving kids to school, going to work, picking up children from school, doing homework, cooking dinner, making children take a bath and go to bed, When all of that is finished the day starts all over again.

My prayer is that I hope I can be a stay at home mom until my children are old enough to take care of themselves, but my real world tells me that won't be possible, so I make the best of it.

I understand now how my mom did it, but is seems so overwhelming at times, but I really would not give it up because I feel I am scoping my children to be great adults.

Again those of you that are working moms you get props today, because sometimes you may not hear it enough.

So to all working moms from another working mom


Thanks, Missy! You're special, too!

I had a woman ask me, "How do you do all you do in this building, then go home to three children? With twins, at that?"

I told her that I didn't think about it, I just did it. If I thought about it, I'd probably go :xeye: and they would find me in a corner :scared: and :bawling: ...

Some things you don't think about. You just do.

I'd like to send props to the working mothers that work hard every day, take care of their children AND maintain a healthy and happpy MARRIAGE!!!

Love ya mom!!! Love ya too POPS!!!

Where would the world be without mothers?
Well as a the son of a working mom

I'd have to give it up to them as well. Mine you I'm 25, constantly looking for my own and living with mom. She's still doing it, even though I have the ability, and expedite the ability to do for myself. But as I child I knew what she went through and continues to go through:

Leaving my dad, living with aunts and sisters, and then buying a house of her own. Even when she was with my dad, she really worked dilligently to keep the house up, have food for us, have a job at the post office of all places and have me and my brother (brothers later) in close, and in our right minds. So I can really appreciate the saying "A woman's work is never done", when being a mother, wife/so, counselor, cook, sparring (sp) partner and whatever other role that may surface.

Thanks for being the pillars of strength that we all need.
Imagine working and going to school(Full time), with a 6 week old simultaneously? It's hard, but I know I have to provide for me and him so it's all worth it.