Why are conservatives still bent about Clinton?!


Brand HBCUbian
You know,,,, during today's events at work, one of the first things I heard was Clinton bashing. Why are people still fixated on Clinton? The guy is out of office for crying out loud. So what, let me guess,, Clinton and Hillary helped whoever did this do it right extreme conservative right-wingers???????? I mean,, please,, back away from Clinton, the guy ain't responsible for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in this country. Why do conservatives have it in so bad for Clinton? MY GOD!!!:confused:
Bartram, these folks are still mad because Clinton won the White House in '92. They really threw a tantrum when he won in '96 and lost their minds when people still loved him after he left office.

It was thought that a democrat could not win the White House in the foreseeable future after '88. But the conservatives fell in love with Clinton bashing that they would say anything bad about the Clintons. (I guess they had to have something to do.) They had trouble telling the truth. These folks need to get a life.

Originally posted by EB
Bartram, these folks are still mad because Clinton won the White House in '92. They really threw a tantrum when he won in '96 and lost their minds when people still loved him after he left office.

It was thought that a democrat could not win the White House in the foreseeable future after '88. But the conservatives fell in love with Clinton bashing that they would say anything bad about the Clintons. (I guess they had to have something to do.) They had trouble telling the truth. These folks need to get a life.

AMEN, EB!!!!
It's utterly ridiculous.

I have frankly never seen such venum towards one person (besides that towards black democrats here in Alabama who paid the price and laid the ground work for decades for voter's rights, the Alabama Democratic Conference, redistricting to make state legislators more representative of the racial make-up in the predominantly black counties,, etc, i.e., Joe Reed and Alvin Holmes,, etc) in all my freaking life.:rolleyes:
In addition:

Clinton beat them at their own game, word manipulation and creative use of facts to win arguements. He was smarter than them, from the wrong side of the tracks (in their opinion), and for some reason, most white women loved him and they really hated that.

Hey Dr. Mac, Dido That For Don King!

It always AMAZES me to hear all the sports world yappin' bout Don King!:D Dude has done nothing more than "WORK WITHIN THE SYSTEM" just as they say "we" should, so what's the big deal?! Why everybody bashin' Don for simply doing what those in boxing have done since its inception?! :confused:

Amazing how it's ok for "them" to do it,,, but when someone from outside does it,,, theeeeeeen it's all this, "boxing is corrupt",,, "we need to rein in boxing",,,, etc! Just like with the O.J. trial (although I'm not an O.J. sympathizer); Johny simply worked within the system,, within "their" definitions. there was no big outcry in the 60s when juries routinely done the same thing for those who committed lynchings and killings in the south and elsewhere, but after the O.J. trial,,, all of a sudden, "we need judicial reform",,, "the system is broken",,,, nope, same system that let countless klansmen and killers of blacks off since the civil war folks.
Bartram, I am no Don King fan but fully understand what you are saying about him. I agree with Dr. Mac about Clinton. Conservatives hate it when a White person comes from a modest to poor background and disagrees with them on policies. While some may bash Clinton on this matter, they are not looking at Reagan and the senior Bush and the people they supported around the world.:eek: They still can't get over Clinton winning the presidency.
The main ones who can't get over it are,,,

Neal Bortz
Rush Limbaugh
Michael Savage
Some other little weazel-sounding AM talk show host who's
name escapes me, but all in the same vein as the popular "fire
breathing" conservative talk show hosts.
Michael Reagan
Even stupid sports talk radio, rush-wanna-be clowns like "Papa Doc" Shavalia(?).

I am so sick of hearing them spin this as Clinton's fault. If Gore was president, we'd have all these stupid-arse Waco-right-winger McVeigh arseholes suggesting that the whole thing was a government conspiracy or that the Gore administration was somehow behind the terrorists. With Bush in office,, well, of coarse this is all a result of "the last 10 to 12 years of governmental policy on terrorism".

That's not to say I would lay the blame squarely on Bush Jr,,, I would simply say,,, SHIZZ HAPPENS! Mugz just finally pulled off something they been planning all along, no matter who's in office.

Lastly, you raise a HUGE point; nowbody looks at history and what really laid the foundation for all the animosity. it's deep, but it doesn't matter given the here and now.
I agree that the Clinton bashing is getting old. The truth just friggin bites. Don't bash a former president about perjury, selling secrets to the Chinese, not letting the Military vote on base, giving pardons to questionable people, and etc. The conservatives need to just keep the facts about Clinton to themselves. The US is tired of hearing about this man.

Let's kick some Afghan butt!! Go President Bush and may God be with you.
I don't understand Clinton-bashing either. Reaganomics destroyed us, but you didn't hear the Democratic Party going on and on about what Reagan and/or Bush did. After Clinton first won in '92, George Bush was almost completely forgotten. This was in spite of Operation Desert Storm, unemployment, recessions, and all the other stuff that happened during his presidency. The GOP just wants to keep rehashing the Lewinsky scandal and not pay any attention to the good things that happened during the Clinton/Gore administration. Never mind the fact that all of the good work was wiped out once Dubya got in.
Because he was the best damn president ever......he ran the **** out of this country.....and he would have won a third term if he could have run again.
Bill gots a office in Harlem. Hey, he be a brutha!! Prolly kicks back wid a 40 when goes to da crib.
They mad at him b/c he got with Lewinsky and they didn't....LOL

All jokes aside; they're mad b/c deep down these fools know that Clinton was the best thing ever happened to this sad a - - country. He did the job to the fullest and now look at where we are since he's left office.:rolleyes:

They can say what they wanna about Clinton, but I never felt job insecurity and/or economic depression while he was in office.:(

I miss the heck out of him myself.
I often visit a message board in Florida, and a day doesn't go by that someone, rather several aren't bashing Clinton and Democrats. One nut posted a big grin at the news of Anthrax being received in Senator Daschle's office. The obsession and hatred is astounding.
