What lesson are we teaching our kids...

cat daddy

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...when we defend them for things like cheating. Check out this article from the Houston Chronicle.


Cheating not just epidemic; it's also tolerated by parents

Knight Ridder Newspapers
Last week, school officials in Piper, Kan., adopted an official policy on plagiarism -- with punishments ranging from redoing an assignment to expulsion. Unfortunately, all that comes too late to help Christine Pelton.

She used to be a teacher. Taught biology at Piper High, to be exact. Then, last fall, she assigned her students to collect 20 leaves and write a report. The kids knew from the classroom syllabus -- a document they and their parents both signed -- that cheating would not be tolerated. Anyone who plagiarized would receive no credit for the assignment, which counted toward half his semester grade.

Maybe you've heard what happened next. Twenty-eight of Pelton's 118 sophomores turned in work that seemed conspicuously similar. It took only a little Web research for her to confirm that they had indeed cut-and-pasted their papers together.

True to her word, Pelton issued 28 zeroes. What followed was to moral integrity as the Keystone Kops were to law enforcement. Parents rose in outrage, some even making harassing, post-midnight phone calls to her home. Pelton offered the cheaters make-up assignments that would have allowed them to pass the class with D's. They refused. Besieged by angry mothers and fathers, the school board ordered the teacher to soften the punishment.

She went to school the next day and found the kids in a celebratory mood, cheering their victory and crowing that they no longer had to listen to teachers. By lunchtime, Pelton had quit. The school's principal and 13 of 32 teachers have also reportedly resigned. In the months since then, the cheaters have become the target of ridicule and condemnation in media around the world.

In spite of that, the parents of the 28 ethically challenged students continue to rally to their defense. One says it's not plagiarism if you only copy a sentence or two. Another expresses doubt the kids even know what plagiarism means.

To that, I can only say this: Please shut up. Haven't you already done enough damage?

Students have always cheated, yes. Always schemed to see the questions ahead of time, write notes on sweaty palms, peer over the shoulder of the teacher's pet. But what's most troubling here is not the amorality of adolescents, but the fact that parents are so eagerly complicit, so ready to look the other way, so willing to rationalize the fact that their children are, in essence, liars and thieves.

Lying about authorship of the work, thieving the grade that results.

Those students, their parents and the school board that caved in like cardboard in the rain are all emblematic of a society in which cheating has become not just epidemic but also somehow, tolerated, even at the highest levels. As one senior said: "It probably sounds twisted, but I would say that in this day and age, cheating is almost not wrong."

Who can blame the kid for thinking that way? The news is full of noted historians cribbing from one another, Enron cooking the books well done, Merrill Lynch recommending garbage stock, a Notre Dame football coach falsifying his r?sum?. Whatever works, right? Ours is not to judge, right?


At the risk of being preachy, I'd like to point out that cheaters almost always get caught. And reputation, it has been said, is about who you are when people are watching. Character is about who you are when there's nobody in the room but you. Both matter, but of the two, character is far and away the most important. The former can induce others to think well of you. But only the latter allows you to think well of yourself.

This is the lesson of Piper High, for those who have ears to hear.

Turns out Christine Pelton is still teaching, after all.
And they wonder why people don't want to teach! The teacher gets crap for pay and no help from the school board nor administration. You feel like you are in enemy hands and your only recourse is to "take yourself out"(leave). When you lose battles like this, your respect goes out of the window and if you stay your self respect is shot.

In college you get kicked out for cheating. In the real world you get fired and/or go to jail. The parents just will not see that they do their children more harm than good when they uphold them in their wrongdoing.

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