What is the Phatest and the Most Hip Conference in America?


Dayum! You did'nt have to click here to find out, you already know it's the THE SWAC!! So why is THE SWAC conference is so "tight"? Is it because of the bands, football teams, the Black Greeks or the trash talkin' fans between competing schools at the football games? Could it be the tailgates?( Ahhh, I think I smell turkey legs.) Homecoming Ole school stepshows, hey, I mean really ole school like the classes of the 60's and early 70's Black greeks. The opposite sex, yesss! What about the classics? The Bayou Classic being the grandaddy of them all, man you see a lot of Hollywood at that game in Nawlin's. Even the Red River Classic attract a few stars from tinseltown! Maybe the SWAC is hip because of the tradition of students and alumni of all the SWAC member schools. That's it, tradition, each school has it own unique tradition envied by ALL UNIVERSITIES outside the SWAC! That's right I said it, ENVIED BY ALL UNIVERSITIES! So whatever school you attend or graduated from, you should be proud you experienced an experience that is or was a very unique college
life! Can you give an event that is a tradition at your university?