UPDATE: "Mike"


Well, "Mike" called back again today and I told him, "What do you want from me?" and he said, "What's your name ma'am?"

Again, I asked, "What is the nature of your business?" and he said, "Well if you want to know, we're about to repossess your car."

I said, "The "L" you are. My car has <b>BEEN</b> paid off !!! :mad: "

He then went on to say, "Well, tell me your name," and I said, "#$@#&%@!!!!!! and don't call me ever again !!!"

He said, "You better tell me your name now, 'cause I'm coming to get your car!"

I said, "You know what? I'm calling the cops, RIGHT NOW!" and he was like, "No! No! Don't call the cops!"

Well, I slammed the phone down and <b>proceeded to call the po-po's.</b>

( Are y'all starting to notice a pattern here? :D )

So, the cops came out to my apartment about an hour ago and made the report on "Mike" and about 30 mintues later, the officer called me back and told me that "Mike" had the wrong number all along and was trying to repossess another lady's car.



Glad you're okay...........

Originally posted by Tara
Well, "Mike" called back again today and I told him, "What do you want from me?" and he said, "What's your name ma'am?"

Again, I asked, "What is the nature of your business?" and he said, "Well if you want to know, we're about to repossess your car."

I said, "The "L" you are. My car has <b>BEEN</b> paid off !!! :mad: "

He then went on to say, "Well, tell me your name," and I said, "#$@#&%@!!!!!! and don't call me ever again !!!"

He said, "You better tell me your name now, 'cause I'm coming to get your car!"

I said, "You know what? I'm calling the cops, RIGHT NOW!" and he was like, "No! No! Don't call the cops!"

Well, I slammed the phone down and <b>proceeded to call the po-po's.</b>

( Are y'all starting to notice a pattern here? :D )

So, the cops came out to my apartment about an hour ago and made the report on "Mike" and about 30 mintues later, the officer called me back and told me that "Mike" had the wrong number all along and was trying to repossess another lady's car.



So what you're saying is....I need to put the black ninja suit...scope...and hellified assault weapon away? Well, if anybody needs somebody erased, let me know.

*cracks nuckles*
Tara you are acting up. You should have called the po po's(my sister calls them that) in the first place. And then get a heater just in case you had to warm someone up. You know, use black widow spider tactics.
Now see ...

"Mike's" dumb arse should have been trying to verify the number in the first place! What an I-dot!
I am glad to hear everything went o.k.. Maybe I am wrong but I thought car repos were just "smash and grab", he is the nicest repo man I have heard of. :D
Right Limefree,
Haven't Mike been calling for a couple of Days now. How long does it take to realize that you have the wrong number. He could have just had his stuff together and lied to the cops.
Tara, I suggest you get a police report and becareful of your surroundings.
Originally posted by Tara

So, the cops came out to my apartment about an hour ago and made the report on "Mike" and about 30 mintues later, the officer called me back and told me that "Mike" had the wrong number all along and was trying to repossess another lady's car.

THE END ? ...

Tara, you are a beautiful and intelligent young lady. Pls dont be fooled by this, "Im Mister Repo callin for your car scam". Let 5-0 know that you dont believe his story and you would like for him to be checked out. He could have been peeping you for awhile now. (Not trying to scare you). Just be careful and aware of your surroundings.
Thanks for concern guys, but as I stated, a police report was made and the officer <b>did</b> find the guy yesterday evening.
