The Wildest ending to a Police Chase I ever Seen

Why was the K9 officer hold the dog like a dad walking his toddler to the bathroom and at the same time there's an officer just walking up with his hands on his hips, for a minute I thought it was a bystander wonder what was going on, and lastly what the hell did these two guys do that warranted 8 police cars chasing them?

Why was the K9 officer hold the dog like a dad walking his toddler to the bathroom and at the same time there's an officer just walking up with his hands on his hips, for a minute I thought it was a bystander wonder what was going on, and lastly what the hell did these two guys do that warranted 8 police cars chasing them?
Something to do with some rifles and guns for the perps. I would imagine the car was stolen. A lot of comments on twitter was about the officer with the dog, it was a lot going on in that video. The perps lucky they weren't killed by the car or the cops.
Why was the K9 officer hold the dog like a dad walking his toddler to the bathroom and at the same time there's an officer just walking up with his hands on his hips, for a minute I thought it was a bystander wonder what was going on, and lastly what the hell did these two guys do that warranted 8 police cars chasing them?


At first I thought it was a person with a walker or someone on a scooter. Yeah, that dog was like "I don't want no parts of those guys" and was being dragged into it.
Man held that dog to keep the dog from tearing them dudes a new asshole. Lincoln Parish has a dog that is a CAPTAIN and rides with the Sheriff. Man that dog has so many medals. I really believe the dog carries a pistol. Sucker has a uniform with cuffs. It's the biggest German shephard I have ever seen in my life. Sucker looks like horse.