The Colen Powell Condum NON-controversy.


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We need to educate the world on abstinence and if not that, then at least use a FREAKING condom. uh-DUH?

Now see Makaho, das what I'm talking about. Colen Powell looked at the situation RATIONALLY, REALISTICALLY, LOGICALLY,, and without all this WORTHLESS "morality" rhetoric from people like Fallwell/Jessie Helms and that guy that heads up the Christian Coalition.

He is a "conservative/republican", but he has the common sense to look at a situation and make a call based on logic and reality more so than stupid-arse political ideology.

Unlike all these religious right-wing extremists elements of the republican party who say abstinence is the ONLY way, Colen Powell realizes that everybody don't, nor will, live the life of these people in their protective environments in this country.

The bottom line IS ABSTINENCE as Colen said and as I would agree even with the right-wing extremeist religious zealots,,, but I don't see what the big deal is with educating people about condoms because they are going to continue to participate in sex. There is no way you can stop that from happening, so it may as well be as safe as possible because it will ultimately affect more than just them.

Great position Colen Powell takes on the issue. I would not have a problem voting for republican Colen Powell.
Well said Bartram. That's why I respect Colin Powell. You can be conservative in nature, but not be an overzealous bible thumping hypocrites like some of his party is. I bet even Bush believes the same thing Colin does.

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You know? Just one clarification,,,

without all this WORTHLESS "morality" rhetoric from people like Fallwell/Jessie Helms and that guy that heads up the Christian Coalition.

When I said "worthless", i'm refering to the RHETORICAL aspect of the extreme right, not the true moral question. Nobody can agree on morals because religion is too diverse, subjective and emotional. We should all be able to agree that taking steps to educate and contain diseases as a supplement to preaching religion and abstinence, is prudent. I don't see the need for a pissing contest on that, but I understand the politics of it.