Stop Envoking Religion & the Moral High Ground in Times of Crisis!


Brand HBCUbian
Why does this country always throw up religion/moral high ground in times of war?????? I just don't see God being one who is on one side or the other since war involves killing. Do we take this moral high ground position to make ourselves feel more justified in blasting the heck out of the enemy??? I think we should just call a spade a spade and stop with all the religious rhetoric.

Double talk.

I sit up here and look at all the news and listen to people talk; who in the world do we think we are to decree that we are so holy and annointed that,,,, it's wrong for every other country to kill, but when WE kill, oh, well,, that's different,, we are blessed and only doing Gods will as he watches over our country???? If you go strictly by the book, we would not kill except in extreme self defense. What about "vengence is mine sayeth the Lord"? BUT WAIT,, I know,, i know,,, WE (the U.S.) are the Lord's agents; our 2K general purpose gravity bombs, tomahawk missiles, cruise missiles, A-10 warthogs and special forces are the Lord's agents so he's working his vengence on the dispicable evil doers through us right? Got it. It amazes me how easy it is for us to twist religion to suit our own circumstances,,,, JUST AS WE BLAST THE EXTREMIST TERRORIST FOR DOING!

lastly, funny how for so many years we have BLASTED the "senseless violence" of gangs, but yet this is nothing but a gang war on a higher level; they came on our turf and inflicted death and destruction, and now we are going to return the favor. Guess gangs are simply a reflection of our country huh?
I'm not prepared to say that America is God's Holy country(don't know) but we do look the most like 'God people' in the bible, especially from the old testament since we're talking about wars.(my opinion)

1) What other country devotes the time, effort, and financial support to take the Gospel to the REST OF THE WORLD 365 days a year?

2) What other country has churches EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE, bibles broken down to 100 different versions & different levels depending on the person reading? (also free bibles being passed out)

3) The ability to learn about Jesus on television and radio 24 hours a day every day of the year? (on multiple stations)

4) Somewhere in the new testament it says something about "Whoa to y'alls evil generation! If the people back in Sodom/Gamorah's day would have had the opportunity that y'all have today, they would have repented a long time ago!"

I think what He was saying was that today we have so much Jesus everywhere we go, (free bibles/church on every corner/internet/tv/radio) and we need to take advantage. He' saying if Sodom/Gamorah had the internet, radio, tv, etc to learn about Jesus they would have repented a long time ago.

Even though AMERICA has our problems, I'm thinking that if America wasn't representing for Jesus that way that we do, much of the rest of the world would be IN TROUBLE. What other force in this world puts as much emphasis on Jesus the way that believers do in America. God Bless America!

This is a spiritual warfare and I think the ENEMEY is trying to attach us because of WHO WE ARE. We have problems but let's be real, as a whole NOBODY REPRESENTS FOR GOD MORE THAN AMERICA, not b-cuz we have more desire but rather b-cuz we have the resources to do what we do and the FREEDOM. (my opinion)
It's not really about what country's side God is on, if your Christian, God is with YOU and who can stand against YOU.

p.s. the stories that I've read in the bible about God's people led me to these reasonings.
We love War! Since the founding of this country we have dedicated ourselves to war! This country was founded in blood cloaked in the tone of religion. The double talk has been here since the first Europeans landed on this continent and claimed this land in the name of God!
They sprinkled Holy Water on the Africans as they beat them into the holes of ships and "SEASONED" them to make them GOOD Christians.

This country that could have been "THE CITY ON A HILL", has used God's name to shield ALL OF THE EVIL she has unleashed on the world as well as her own people.



nevaehinvesting, I'd say the KKK and supremists felt/feel the same way.

If you go back to the civil rights era or even look at some of the white supremists groups active in America today, you will find the same rationale while they are at the same time saying certain people are subhuman and they shouldn't mix with them.

Also, I don't think it is about somebody going against you if you are a christian/God is on your side or not. The whole premise of belief in God, as I see it, is eternal life, not winning some battle or football game here on earth. I think those things are all mutually exclusive. Rather or not we/an individual in this country is victorious in a war now is, for the most part, because this is the most powerful country in the world with the best technology in the world. There are also people who believe in other religions that are just as fervant if not more so than we are here about christianity. The indians totally bought into their spiritual beliefs, but the superior technology of the American army and shear overwhelming numbers and disease totally decimated their civilization.

What does religion have to do with annialating people in war? I would contend that we should stop envoking religion because in the context of war, it is being used out of context (just like we are blasting the terrorists for doing) and for propoganda purposes to establish the moral high ground for our "cause" and to make us feel better about crushing the enemy. This is all it boils down to. Rather an individual is saved/going to heaven or not has nothing to do with winning a war. To paint us as somehow the most holy and the ultimate right doers is about as ridiculous as the concept of "Jihad" as justification for launching terrorist attacks. It's either war or religion. One should not justify the other according to what I have read/been taught and the way I understand religion.
Of course God is about eternal life but there is a spiritual warfare going on today which sometimes translates into physical wars.
I'm talking about spiritual stuff. God does not promote religion or teach priniciples based on religions.

Read about ALL of the battles in the bible that were ordained by God, WON by God's direction. The battles were spiritually significant then, and they're spiritually significant now.
You can't seperate wars from the things of God.
Of course the people on the short end of the stick who lost the battles back then in the bible days weren't trying to hear anything about "God is for them, not us" but all we know is that God's people had Faith, and they experienced the promisses of the bible just like what we're experiencing today.
Again, I'm not exactly ready to say that America is Holier than anybody else but all I know is that OUR President called us to a day of prayer, the saints have lifted up this country in prayer, and no weapon formed against us is going to prosper.
I see the tree, and the fruit it's producing. You're a Christian, If nothing else, give this country 'Holy' Kool Points for not throwing you in prison or killing you for whom You believe in.

just my opinion
The South lifted its heart to God too! And used The Bible as justification.

I don't know if there has been any president who has not evoked the aid of God in a war. Johnson did it in Vietnam, too!
Originally posted by Bartram
Why does this country always throw up religion/moral high ground in times of war?????? I just don't see God being one who is on one side or the other since war involves killing. Do we take this moral high ground position to make ourselves feel more justified in blasting the heck out of the enemy??? I think we should just call a spade a spade and stop with all the religious rhetoric.

It's just like on the soap operas. There is no mention of God on them until someone is sick or dies. Then they go running to the church chapel. Any other time it's taboo to reference to God on the soaps. Just like Oprah, notice she always references to a "higher being" without calling a name so as not to offend anyone that does not believe in Jesus. But after 9/11, she let Donnie McClurkin and all them come on her show and sing about Jesus. And since 9/11 everyone is boldly saying God bless America. It's not to make ourselves justified it's to beg for His mercy after receiving the 9/11 wake up call.
Yeah, and it's real funny that the same mofos that are so against prayer in schools are the same mofos that wanted everybody to pray the other week.

They call it a "National Day of Prayer"....hell, everyday should be a "National Day of Prayer". One should be able to pray whenever they want to.

This country is so ass backwards 'til it's not even funny. They wanna do things when it's convenient for them....S_ _.

Who's to say that some of these people weren't already feeling privately what they are saying more publicly before 9/11? I mean, perhaps these leaders saw fit to bring the faith they rely on daily more to the forefront because we were in a time of crisis.
Bartram has said it better than I could. If one mixes in American foriegn policy with wars and the funding of wars, could one say that our country was always on the side of God? Has American foriegn policy always been fair to the little people (those not in power) throughout the world? If one says yes, then consider that our country has been friends with Mubuto in Zaire, the White apartheid South African government, the Samoza dictatorships in Nicarauga and Marcos in The Phillipines. (Yes, at one time we helped bin Laden and Sadam Hussein.) These governments and others were some of the most repressive in history. Yet, our country supported them in more ways than one. In my opinion the bible explains how people loudly proclaimed that they were on the side of God but in reality did not follow His word.

AD was right about some U.S. cities and Sodom and Gomorah.
I don't see what the big deal is. If people want to lean GOD for this nation's healing then let them. why does it bother you so much?:confused:
Who are we to question what these people believe? That is between them and GOD, Jehova, Allah, Jehove Jirrah.....

You're a Christian, If nothing else, give this country 'Holy' Kool Points for not throwing you in prison or killing you for whom You believe in.'s good that we're acknowledging God NOW as a country, even if we HAVEN'T done it much as a country in the past. It's good that we're praying NOW as a country, even if we REJECTED prayer in the past. It doesn't matter that we've screwed up as a country in the past, God can still be for us right now. Think of the times that we as individuals have gone against God's Will, wasn't He still there for us when we finally decided to call on Him?
Think of America as yourself, only on a much bigger scale. You've done DUMB stuff, so has America. You've called on God in bad sistuations, so does America. Sin is Sin, Repenting is Repenting, Forgiveness is Forgiveness, so what's the REAL difference between how you've lived your life and the history of America?

So again we say "God Bless You/Me/America!"
