Star Wars Episode II: are you going?????

I doubt I go see it unless some sista wants to go see it, but I don't see why everyone is so sure it won't be good. I don't know what is up with all the complaints with Episode I. I thought it was a decent movie.

Well, I went to see it today. I guess I could not wait until sunday like I said. I thought it was good. Now I have to go back and watch the others to see the whole picture.
Originally posted by JaguarNationAJL
Well, I went to see it today. I guess I could not wait until sunday like I said. I thought it was good. Now I have to go back and watch the others to see the whole picture.
When you say you have to go back and watch the others, do you mean you haven't seen any of the others, or are you saying that you have to refresh your recollection of the others???
Forget "Attack of the Clones". The name of this movie should have been "Yoda kicks AZZ".

It started off a little slow like all of the Star Wars movies do. But once it got into the main action sequences it was on and poppin.

I really appreciated this movie because it did a good job of explaining a LOT of stuff that is mysterious in the 4th through 6th episodes. (ie. Bubba Fett, Death Star, storm troopers and the Empire).
I saw it................

I'll say this about it.......

Fans of the Star Wars saga will like it. And like Kay Bee said, it does explain some of the things that came later in Episodes IV-VI. But I thought the characters weren't developed too well. And the romance felt out-of-place. I understood why they put it in there, but a love-scene and Star Wars just doesn't fit(to me).

But, if you didn't see Episode I, then go rent it first, then go see Episode II. And Yoda is truly hideous in this one.....But he's kicking azz and taking names.......

But like Kevdawg said Samuel L. Jackson says.....

May the Force be with you, M*therF*cker!!!!!!!!

Mace Windu BABY!!

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90
But like Kevdawg said Samuel L. Jackson says.....

May the Force be with you, M*therF*cker!!!!!!!!:D
OH YEAH!! Sam might as well have said that, cause he went in & kicked some azz!! Purple lightsaber (oops, hope I didn't give anything away), the one that says "bad muthaf*cker" - well, maybe not but it might as well have :D

Yep, Attack of the Clones was good (better than Spider Man, IMHO). I didn't stand in line (as I said I wouldn't) but I did go to a 10:15pm feature on opening night ;) It was cool. I will be seeing it again before it leaves the theater. Anyone who was turned off by The Phantom Menace should know this is an almost totally different turn from that movie. It's so different, even Jar Jar Binks is tolerable. This one starts dark & stays that way. This one moves so fast it's almost confusing. This one shows the ENTIRE Jedi Council blazin' sabers & whooping much tail. ESPECIALLY YODA!!! Oh buddy!! Even though the hotheaded, pissed off Anakin had to grow on me some, I must say I was very pleased :cool:
Man that movie was the ish! It was much better than the first one. I left out thinking I cant believe what I just saw.
Everyone keep telling me it's good. I'll have to check it out.