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Coming To Church Late

I spoke about folks coming to Church late a few months ago. I mentioned how I hate late folks arriving after the Pastor gets up to preach.

Well today the Pastor fired them up about coming to Chruch late. Many people have disagreed with my views about folks coming to Church late, but today I felt good. Now my wife understand how I feel about this because our Pastor feel the same as I do.:)

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BB, it didn't do any good they came much later this past Sunday.
To answer your question:
I like to arrive early so I can sit on the end of the pew. The reason I like this seat is that some folks who sit on the end of the Pew take their good time in moving to let those of us out who are forced to sit in the middle. If people arrive before the offering is taken, I may move down, but if they arrive when the Pastor is about to get up to preach I will not move down. They have to crawl into the middle. There is nothing I hate more than a person coming to church late with a Bible in their hand.

Do you know a Rev. Fredrick Knight that has a Church in Jackson?
Boy...I'll say it again...

I'm so glad salvation isn't left up to you or I. Everyone wants to dictate what they think...but what counts is what God has told us. WE don't know why someone is late to church. And WE shouldn't judge them either way. Instead, WE as Christains...should be grateful everytime the doors of the church is opened and someone walks in. Regardless of their reason for being late, oversleeping, coming from the club, accident, just didn't feel like coming @ 10:45, they're there.

They don't have to answer to you or I. God is working in every person's life on his own accord. Stop being so critical of people. WE don't know what's going on in everybody else's life. Concentrate on you...take a look @ you. You're no better because you get to church @ 10:45 and someone else gets there at 11:15. You're not more so saved because you got there at that 10:45 and the other person got there @ 11:15. They're not on your schedule. We're on God's schedule...and the last time I checked...he was accepting

Thank goodness, huh?;)

Food for thought.
APW, I understand your point of view.

In my opinion, these late folks have no consideration for anyone but themselves. It has nothing to do with serving the Lord. They don't care about other Christians or the word that is being preached. They have no respect for the Lord's house. I am not questioning their method or style on serving the Lord. But most folks don't understand their freedom ends where mine begins. Sometimes I wonder if folks who like to jump up in front of folks when the choir is singing realize someone is sitting behind them.
Some jump up on every song.

I told my pastor, that I did not raise my giving based on we should give 10%. I did it because some brave Christians made it possible for me to have a place to come and worship. I understand the utility bills, janitorial bills, serving meals after funerals, and other things.
I hear you....

APW, I understand your point of view.

In my opinion, these late folks have no consideration for anyone but themselves. It has nothing to do with serving the Lord. They don't care about other Christians or the word that is being preached. They have no respect for the Lord's house.
I am not questioning their method or style on serving the Lord. But most folks don't understand their freedom ends where mine begins. Sometimes I wonder if folks who like to jump up in front of folks when the choir is singing realize someone is sitting behind them. Some jump up on every song.
I told my pastor, that I did not raise my giving based on we should give 10%. I did it because some brave Christians made it possible for me to have a place to come and worship. I understand the utility bills, janitorial bills, serving meals after funerals, and other things.

But, I don't agree.

The same people that got to church @ 10:45 are the same ones leaving before the benediction is given and rushing the preacher to finish his sermon.

Salvation and your relationship with God is more personal than any other relationship you will ever have with anyone or anything.

And guess what. If you or I never stepped foot in a church God would still accept us into his kingdom and grant us salvation. Do you believe that? Think about it before you answer.

There are a lot of people that don't even know what it means to be saved. Getting to church on time isn't going to save you. Coming to church every Sunday doesn't mean you're saved.
Did you know you can show up for church @ 6 a.m. and leave @ 6 p.m. Attending all the services and still not make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. But, oh me oh my, the late comer that had to say excuse me to get to a seat next to you...who was 30 minutes late did. I wonder why? Just think about it.

Once you fully understand what salvation is as related to the God and his Kingdom and what you have to do to be saved, you'll understand why some of the things we choose to talk about or have opinions about sometimes don't amount to a hill of beans...especially getting to church on time. I don't get to church every Sunday @ 10:45. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't...that doesn't mean I'm disrespecting the Lord, his kingdom, or his Word. On the contrary, it means I'm living and despite what the devil may cast my way, I overcame it and chose God. What a wonderful feeling.
More food for thought.
Salvation and getting to church on time are like night and day. I am not questioning anyone about their beliefs. I am questioning you coming in on time and showing some consideration for other folks. I know they have a good justification for coming in late. There is nothing wrong with being on time. Do to your lateness, Why should I have to suffer because of a late person. There are too many pauses waiting for these late folks to be seated.

I use to here old folks say "son you are going to be late for your own funeral." Funeral Directors are always on time.

This is not about someone religion, but getting to church on time.
I know people have problems, but they need to understand that someone else love the Lord besides them.
Re: Coming To Church Late

My pastor won't say too much about walking in late, however if you head towards the front of the church, beware he will call you out!
Well, you come to our church @ 10:45 if you want to. Come @ 11:15 if you dare. You will not get in the sanctuary. You will be sitting down stairs in the basement. :D People at my church be coming at 9:45 for Sunday School, so if you dont attend Sunday School then most likely you will be sitting in the balcony or basement. Take your pick. :)
I have a problem with "Christians" being late for service. I have heard practically every excuse under the Sun. There is no excuse for being late. I will bet they are not late Monday - Friday for work, to pick up their check, if K-Mart had a 50% off blue light special. That's a sign of disrespect to everyone including him or herself. My favorite phrase is "Was Christ Late for Calvary"