Should Married Couples be "Equally Yoked"?

Do you think it is best for marrie

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Does not matter.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More so than not.

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters
Thirding what NTELEKT said!

Rrraaa, let's bring this topic BACK to where the author placed it.

IMHO, I thought to be equally "yoked" also meant in OTHER aspects of livelyhood as well besides the commonly referred to religious application. I can remember almost like it was yesterday that my former fiancee's mother said this to me:<b>"Look son, even if you don't marry my daughter in the near future, don't you EVER, EVER, EVER contemplate marrying someone who is outside of education. I've been married for over 38 years to a non-educated/army graduated man who could NEVER ever understand my thoughts, desires (for advancement), ... He seemingly held me back @ times because he couldn't understand my vision of sorts. You seem to be very driven and if you do otherwise, you'll find yourself w/ someone who will literally hold you back in life."</b> That woman was wise beyond her years and constantly emphasized her love for her husband until his departure. She gave me numerous instances and examples of her own friendsets and kinships that were flawed. I listened. Her wisdom astounds me to this very day. She cited an example where even something as simple as a corp function that I may attend in the future w/ my wife and how out of place she could literally feel when me and the geeks and their geek wives start talking about college life, education in general, stocks, 401K stats, ...

As bad as I wanted to return to Buck-BoHank, Texas to get my wife (fully domestic, willing to be 101% overly submissive to my desires and a puppet of sorts, barely graduated high school, willing to have 8 kids @ the drop of a dime), I couldn't. My aspirations and desires may have been quite opposite of hers.

My .02.
I'm engaged to be married Jun 22, 2002 and this is what I did:

Prayed to God to let me find the perfect girl for me. He did that for me and he'll do that for anyone. I've found that if God isn't for aren't going to find the right mate. Seek a good relationship with God then he'll bless you with a good relationship with a man/woman.
Another issue, is your understanding of equally yoked the same as God's when He 1st said it in the bible?
Could be wrong but I didn't think much else besides both being in God's will was necessary.


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Cee Dog, easy. I was being facetious about JK.

I was drawing a parallel between your seemingly impossible assertion that _____________ (all the stuff being discussed here) to the seemingly impossible odds that the dream team faced in the O.J. trial and ended up overcoming. You must read my replies with a sense of humor at all times unless otherwise noted.:)
I agree with parts of Ntelek's take.

Continuing on the secular thread of this post, I believe people need to have the similar goals, work ethic, values. I think having the same values is critically important. For example, if the man is a simple no-frills guy who doesn't see value in having material things and the woman is "high profile/maintenance", there's going to be problems. This is a topic for another thread. On the other hand, I don't think there is any one standard as to what "equally yoked" is. For example, I don't necessarily have to have a spouse who wants to be president. As long as we are in tune on a few core issues like family values and personnal integrity, we can work on the rest.