MVSU Band A Must See


Well-Known Member
The Flag Corps put on a real show. I was upset being on the visitors side because the band was facing the home side, but in the end we had the best show. This is a must see. In addition, MVSU has a good looking banner. It is hard not to notice the Band Banner when they hit the field.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing. 10 times out of 10, that was a good thing that they band were facing the home side:)

Originally posted by rev t
Is that a good thing or a bad thing. 10 times out of 10, that was a good thing that they band were facing the home side:)

Are we talking about the same thing?
Originally posted by rev t
I was thinking on the lines of either they sounded bad or they looked bad!!

All the flag corps members are figure figures young ladys and they can shake, shake, shake.
Originally posted by 98LastRip
Good job flags.... So how was the band:idea:

The band not only looked good, but they can play. Started off with a real good program and very timely.