MLK...Holiday or not?


AAMU all day every day!
Why can't the day be acknowledged like all the rest of the holidays?

If you are off New Years, Christmas, Thanksgiving...etc. It's a holiday with pay.

If you're firm or company doesn't acknowledge MLK Holiday national take MLK Holiday off, but you have to use a personal day, vacation or floating holiday or not get paid for it....WHY?:redhot:

Because we are a perculiar people, and some of us still have very small minds. Private Corporations are not going to recognize MLK b'day, because they don't want to. They still want to recognize Robert E. Lee as a great man. Since they cannot get the support to recognize Lee, they are not going to celebrate MLK's b'day and they are not going to give their employees the day off with pay. Thank God I work for the government now, because I remember those days when I worked for private corporations and I had to use personal days to stay home on MLK holiday.

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Originally posted by JSUII

Because we are a perculiar people, and some of us still have very small minds. Private Corporations are not going to recognize MLK b'day, because they don't want to. They still want to recognize Robert E. Lee as a great man. Since they cannot get the support to recognize Lee, they are not going to celebrate MLK's b'day and they are not going to give their employees the day off with pay. Thank God I work for the government now, because I remember those days when I worked for private corporations and I had to use personal days to stay home on MLK holiday.

I feel ya, JSUII