Lunchtime discussion


Well-Known Member
What is your view on the families from 9/11 getting a 2 year tax break?

One of my co-workers thinks that everyone who loses a love one in a tragedy should get a tax break. He says that he feels if someone was to come inside your home and kill you or your significant other that the government should grant your or your spouse a tax break. He understood that what happened was a tragedy, but why only grant them a tax break and no one else that may accrue some type of tragedy of sort.

The other co-worker disagreed. He believe that because it was a terriost attack that the US can grant them a tax break and do not have to grant anyone else that may run into some type tragedy. He says that terriostist attacks are definitely something to have for tax breaks.

What is your ideas on this? After I heard your opinions, then I will discuss mines.
They shouldn't get a Tax break...

I don't think the families affected should get a tax break, because there's really no way to determine who'd be eligible. And even if you did, then you would've opened a can or worms that you couldn't handle.

If you decide to give only the victims' families Tax breaks, then the rescue people affected and their families will want it. Then somebody else will want it, and it'll go on and on. And you'll have to justify over and over your reasons for granting, and not granting the Tax break.

Now what I think would be fair is this: The government should have no involvement in any payments to any of the families involved. The Red Cross and other charities have raised over 1.5 billion dollars from Disaster Relief efforts. That's more than enough money. They should count the families, and split the money evenly, based on the number of people killed or injured. Nobody should get more then anybody else. The only exception, being the Brooklyn family that lost two sons in the WTCs. They'd get two checks(or twice the amount). The gov't should have no say-so in the distribution of the money.

I was watching on FOXNews yesterday that the gov't wants to base it's payouts on the tax-status of the poeple killed or injured. In essence, they want to pay them what they were worth, from a tax standpoint. And under their rationale, the CPA or Atty that got killed would be eligible for more money than the Custodian or the Restaurant busboy. All because the CPA and the Atty made more money. And that's disgusting.......:mad: That insinuates that one life is more valuable than another. Haven't we learned by now, that we all should be treated as equals? What do you think ultimately caused this whole mess?

The gov't should stay out of it. Because if they start paying, then other victims from other terrorist acts are going to be entitled to payments too. Remember the Oklahoma City Bombing. Those folks got NOTHING!!!!!!! And they suffered just as much as the folks in New York.

I say, tell your co-workers to stop worrying about tax breaks, and focus on our gov't protecting us from this mess.

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Re: They shouldn't get a Tax break...

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90

Now what I think would be fair is this: The government should have no involvement in any payments to any of the families involved. The Red Cross and other charities have raised over 1.5 billion dollars from Disaster Relief efforts. That's more than enough money. They should count the families, and split the money evenly, based on the number of people killed or injured. Nobody should get more then anybody else. The only exception, being the Brooklyn family that lost two sons in the WTCs. They'd get two checks(or twice the amount). The gov't should have no say-so in the distribution of the money.

I totally agree. In fact, I said the same thing. What happens to the money that everyone was takin up for the families????? Who really sees that money????
Re: They shouldn't get a Tax break...

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90
The gov't should stay out of it. Because if they start paying, then other victims from other terrorist acts are going to be entitled to payments too. Remember the Oklahoma City Bombing. Those folks got NOTHING!!!!!!! And they suffered just as much as the folks in New York.

I say, tell your co-workers to stop worrying about tax breaks, and focus on our gov't protecting us from this mess.

That is exactly what I was talking about. I think that Im going to print your answer out and let my co-workers read it. :tup:
Man that is what I feel, also...

let's not even talk about those folks who already have schemes to milk the government. How about Tyrone and Guido (everybody in the hood knows where they are) who decide to "disappear" because they "just could have been" at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm telling you, if there is money to be made, some "folks" will find a way.
Now we're suppose to give a victim of a crime a tax break....WTF!!!!!!

Such BS:tdown:.......I guess this is why I hate politics and politicians. They're all full of it. So I guess my peeps should receive a tax-break after my cousin pookie got killed in a drive by huh?

What next????? :rolleyes:

Hey DTown Jag........

I can't stand politicians either....Their whole nature is to lie and steal and scheme.

I know we were talking about the tax break deal, but I've got another 'beef'....

Why are we (US) agreeing to spend billions of dollars to rebuild Afghanistan? :mad:

What the hell are we doing this for? What are we bombing 'em for? What sense does it make? Why would we bomb the hell out of them(which costs money)and tear-up what they've got (they don't have anything to begin with), and then after we bomb 'em to death, then we build their country back for 'em(which costs even more money)? They'll get brand new stuff!! They used to live in huts and make-shift houses and buildings, and here we come an build new steel and brick and concrete buildings and houses(I wouldn't be surprised if they get houses with 2 stories, 4-bedroom, 4-baths, 3-camel garages!!! with a pool and landscaped lawns). And we'll spend money to set-up their gov't and supply funds for schools and hospitals and emergency services.....All in Afghanistan.....

My question is: where is this money coming from?????? Who told the G-Dubya to give away my tax dollars like this? I didn't pay 38cents a gallon (federal tax on gas) to give the money to the Afghans!!!!! There are people right here who need help.....

I've always wondered how our gov't could just up and give 300 million here and 1 billion there, all the while we've got aging schools, substandard housing, NOT ENOUGH HEALTH CARE, and too many other 'needs' to mention....

And while I don't think we (US) need to be isolationists, I do believe that we NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN, BEFORE WE GO GIVEAWAY $1.00 TO HELP SOMEBODY ELSE (especially when they don't like us already)......

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
During a good part, if not most, of the '90s Texas had a surplus in its budget.

During almost half, if not half, of the '90s the federal government had a surplus in its budget.

Now both have a shortfall.

So with the shortfall and the tax cuts, especially for the rich, I wonder where is the money going to come from to help rebuild Afghanistan.

BTW I pretty much agree with the comments.
Everybody is a politician. Everybody participates in politics. Think about. We judge things based on our beliefs. As long as the money is not coming out of an individual paycheck they will come up with ways to give money away. What if those who wanted to give a tax break would agree to a $10.00 payroll tax to make up for the difference by giving the 9/11 folks a taxbreak.
Re: Hey DTown Jag........

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90

Why are we (US) agreeing to spend billions of dollars to rebuild Afghanistan? :mad:

What the hell are we doing this for? What are we bombing 'em for? What sense does it make? Why would we bomb the hell out of them(which costs money)and tear-up what they've got (they don't have anything to begin with), and then after we bomb 'em to death, then we build their country back for 'em(which costs even more money)? They'll get brand new stuff!! They used to live in huts and make-shift houses and buildings, and here we come an build new steel and brick and concrete buildings and houses(I wouldn't be surprised if they get houses with 2 stories, 4-bedroom, 4-baths, 3-camel garages!!! with a pool and landscaped lawns). And we'll spend money to set-up their gov't and supply funds for schools and hospitals and emergency services.....All in Afghanistan.....

My question is: where is this money coming from?????? Who told the G-Dubya to give away my tax dollars like this? I didn't pay 38cents a gallon (federal tax on gas) to give the money to the Afghans!!!!! There are people right here who need help.....

I've always wondered how our gov't could just up and give 300 million here and 1 billion there, all the while we've got aging schools, substandard housing, NOT ENOUGH HEALTH CARE, and too many other 'needs' to mention....

And while I don't think we (US) need to be isolationists, I do believe that we NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN, BEFORE WE GO GIVEAWAY $1.00 TO HELP SOMEBODY ELSE (especially when they don't like us already)......

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I agree!!!! I always wonder why would we bomb people like Iran for scewing with Iraq and then 2 years later bomb Iraq for screwing with Iran. In in between all this give guns to Iran and Iraq...... What tha H3LL is goin on?????????
:mad: :mad: :mad:

Then after all that, we give funds to both nations so that they can rebuild and buy more weapons and start this isht all over again!!!!!:redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot:
Re: Hey DTown Jag........

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90

(especially when they don't like us already)......

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

And you wonder why they hate us?????? :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot:
I am not trying to be insensitive but living life is dangerous. Things happen, I feel bad for any victim and thier family, and no amount of money will bring them back. But I don't feel they are owed any more money than any victim of anything in the US. Whether Bin ladin's boys got them or a "good ole boy" got them, they are gone. And it ain't the job of the government to pay them off. That money ain't dropping out of the sky, it comes right out of our checks, just go look at your check stub.
The Republican Rhino !!!!

The only openly Black Republican on the SWACpage steps in...
He see's Liberals discussing "Taxes".:lmao: :lmao:
Almost passes out from laughing....
He chomps at the bit but then decides not to "GO THERE" !!!
He then decides to go to Small talk and discuss his Bootyology Theories !!!! :D :D :D

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Re: Re: The Republican Rhino !!!!

Originally posted by mighty hornet

What about your sidekick, Media Guy?

:lmao: :lmao:

Awww, ISHT. :(

I'll make a deal with you MH, If you claim "Barre Baby" as a side kick then I will claim "Media Guy". :D :D :D
Re: Re: Re: The Republican Rhino !!!!

Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
Awww, ISHT. :(

I'll make a deal with you MH, If you claim "Barre Baby" as a side kick then I will claim "Media Guy".

Man, Barre Baby is just young. There's still hope for him.

My hearts go out to anyone who die tragically and due to nonsense. The truth is we all have to die.

But, if you really want to get technical about it....
If they give tax breaks, $$$ etc. to the these "victims"...
Slavery reparations will have to be @ the top of the list before. What other tragedy is greater in history? Folks need to pick up the better, live righteous (as possible) and believe God has His own way of testing our faith.
Re: Puhluheazzzz.....

Originally posted by aamuprettywoman
My hearts go out to anyone who die tragically and due to nonsense. The truth is we all have to die.

But, if you really want to get technical about it....
If they give tax breaks, $$$ etc. to the these "victims"...
Slavery reparations will have to be @ the top of the list before. What other tragedy is greater in history? Folks need to pick up the better, live righteous (as possible) and believe God has His own way of testing our faith.

UHHHH, If you think that we are gonna get reparations in this country you are sadly mistaken my Nubian Godess. First of all, the minority group that we represent as African Americans is 12% of this entire country. We have a voting rate of 25% as a people. So that equates to a 3% voting power nation wide. That is :( . So reparations aint gonna happen. If you think it is then you are sadly mistaken.

I will tell how we should think as a people.....

1. We should almost always try to include Black Business in our day to day lives....the Koreans do it, the Indians do it, the Italians do it, and the Hispanics do it. For whatever reason some of us think the white mans water is wetter and will drive across town to buy it.

2. Pattern your life to spend money in said Black Businesses....If I need a Good or Service, the first thing I do is.....

1. Determine if I can do that for myself.....If not then I........

2. See if there is a black business that can provide that service.

3. If there is no black business that can, I give it to someone that does not have a history of treating "US" like ISHT.

If we do this then we will start to see things getting better for us. I will offer you an interesting parallel.

The Mafia is an organization based on are black drug dealers.

But the mafia donates to the Church, the Community and to Politicians. They only get fugged with when it's politically correct to do so. But Black Crimelords get shipped to prison in record numbers. Hmmmm, I wonder why. Uhhh, they aint paying nobody off, they are too busy buying Rims and Strippers.

So you will never see reperations in this country sistah, If you want to advance to the next level, you will only get that from self determination and achievement and never from your former Slavemaster.
PM me if ya'll really wanna get with what really goes on in this country politics wise. And hell yeah, Im a REPUBLICAN !!!!!!
