
What do you normally eat since you have been on this program?

I really stuck to my normal diet. I rarely eat red meat. I don't really do potatoes either. Bascially, I stuck to chicken, turkey, and salmon/tilapia. For breakfast every morning, I had a protein shake, walnuts, banana and the occasional granola bar (on weekends, I do turkey bacon and fresh hash). For lunch, mostly baked or grilled chicken, a vegatable and Crystal Light pure fitness.

Dinner was always my troubled meal. I am less disciplined at dinner than other meals. However, I tried to stick to lean white meats and salads.

I am not big on sweets. I was doing granola bars but I was overdoing those so I switched to bananas, walnuts, and wheat crackers.

The crazy thing is that my diet has been way less disciplined while on the program than before but I have lost way more weight than before.