Give Me Some Luv...

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I bet you had that Archie Bunker smokers cough...........

You mean you were a slave to the nicotine ??

Fiending for a Newport, huh ?!?! :D

Not really Phatback. I begin my freshman year in college. I was never hooked. I was a "social smoker". I began smoking because 1. I was grown...or at least I thought I was, 2. someone said that it would curve the appetite, and 3. to do something rebellious. O, and it also curved that sick feeling when I dranked too

Once I got older, it got old. I read that scripture about this not being my body and that's it's a temple of God. Afterwards, everytime I would light up, that scripture would come to me (and not my chance either). Soon, the smell made me sick, the inhaling made me sicker...what was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!?