Gas prices.


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Let's say Bush goes ahead and pulls the trigger on Saddam, the US runs through the republican guard and kills Saddam, Iraq celebrates in the streets and becomes America's 51st state and Venezuala over-throws the despot and gets back to normal. Do you think gas prices will go down???? I DON'T! These oil company maggots make me SICK!!!! I can't STAND these bstards!! They get over no matter what happens!!! :mad: :redhot:
And whats really get me is when they use any lame arse excuse to raise prices.:redhot: It does not have to be a war, it can be an oil tanker sinking.:redhot:

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I do not think that oil prices will go down anytime soon.

I think that the problems in Venezuela go far beyond Chavez.
ANY excuse!

And do you notice how when prices go up, they go up by 8-12 cents (in the past),,, and then come down only 4 cents! It's like they stick it to you real hard, you have such sticker shock that when prices "go back to normal" (4-8 cents higher than when the price galging started) YOU'RE TOO NUMB AND MAD, OR DON'T CARE, TO NOTICE THE NET INCREASE!!!

yeah, ANY excuse to raise prices but they never go down; and you can bet they will have an excuse, even if we all of a sudden had plenty of oil, why prices must stay the same. "uuuuh,,, well, most of the oil infrastructure in Iraq was destroyed and companies had to invest in infrastructure to get the oil out. that was passed on to the customer." :angry: :mad: I guess I may as well stop complaining and figure out a way to get on the benefits side of the issue. :angry: :mad: